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他的节目常常很偏激,但是这篇评论不是没有道理,除了三个要点之外,关于美元和人民币地位的几句话也很中肯:We must protect the U.S. dollar. America's power derives from its wealth.

Rich countries get to do what they want. Poor countries must obey their masters, or they get invaded. We just saw that happen. That is the unchanging rule.

If at the end of this conflict, whenever that is, countries around the world have come to see the Chinese Yuan as a stronger, more stable currency than the U.S. dollar, then this country will have lost more than we understand.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / 他的节目常常很偏激,但是这篇评论不是没有道理,除了三个要点之外,关于美元和人民币地位的几句话也很中肯:We must protect the U.S. dollar. America's power derives from its wealth.

    Rich countries get to do what they want. Poor countries must obey their masters, or they get invaded. We just saw that happen. That is the unchanging rule.

    If at the end of this conflict, whenever that is, countries around the world have come to see the Chinese Yuan as a stronger, more stable currency than the U.S. dollar, then this country will have lost more than we understand.

    • I'll rewrite it as: We must protect the U.S. wealth. America's power derives from it so as U.S. dollar.
      • 枪杆子里面出政权,固然是铁律,但是钱袋子巩固政权才是金律,老中如果不是过去三十年成了土豪国,早都和苏联一个下场了 +1
        • 是吗?四九年到七六年的历史证明不是这样。再说,如果你媳妇要和你闹离婚,你把她用链子拴在家也不是回事儿吧?😊 +2
          • “四九年到七六年的历史证明”的恰恰是这个道理。民不患寡而患不均,那些年间,除了三年自然灾害期间民不聊生,死人无数,其他时间人民只要吃饱了就可以做鸵鸟,因为什么都不知道。记得当时北航的一位老院长(好象是少将)下放到我们厂,住的
            • 没在一个频道上。你说的中国要不是成了土豪国,早就像苏联一样被解体了。我说的是中国在穷的时候也没有被解体。这里还有一个被谁解体的问题。
              • 四九年到七六年没有解体,是因为封闭体系下准共产主义式的鸵鸟生存状态。六四之后没有解体,是因为财富的暴涨。如果不是全民淘金,也有可能淘到金,在信息相对开放,人员流动相对自由的状态下,绝无可能维持朝鲜那样的一统天下。
                • 如果你说的是自我解体,那孩子大了要飞,我是不管的。
    • “Rich countries get to do what they want. Poor countries must obey their masters, or they get invaded. We just saw that happen. That is the unchanging rule.” 前半句说地是美国自己,后半句没什么逻辑。。。 碰上了普京,有点语无伦次了。
      • 后半句说的是乌克兰,和俄罗斯相比,乌克兰是小国/穷国,他说得不算错。