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刚发电邮给了我的MP 还有省长Ford, 省长办公室已回复收到。把信贴在这里供大家参考,信中大部分内容来自新闻,大家可删可减,发,发,发‼️

Dear Premier Doug Ford,

I am writing to express my deep concern about the current situation of Canada freedom protesting in capital Ottawa.

Please urge PM to meet the representative of protesters and start a sincere and constructive communication with them ASAP. It's definitely inappropriate to avoid the situation like this as a democratic country leader.

January 20th,The World Health Organization recommended nations lift or ease their existing COVID-19-related travel restrictions, saying they could exacerbate economic and social stress related to the pandemic.

WTO's report says countries should lift the bans and restrictions because the committee found “they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced” by citizens.

In the latest news, Norway has lifted quarantine requirements for unvaccinated travelers, and the Netherland has loosened lockdown restrictions further. England and Scotland are dropping testing requirements for vaccinated travelers. Also, residents of Abu Dhabi in the UAE now need a booster shot in order to be considered fully vaccinated, but international tourists do not. Ireland has removed nearly all of its Covid measures. England rolled back Covid-19 restrictions on Jan. 26, dropping the public mask mandate and no longer requiring Covid-19 passes for entry to large venues and events.

January 29th. -Austria will begin easing COVID-19 related restrictions next week.

States are starting to ease coronavirus lockdown restrictions and focus on fixing their battered economies.

According to latest news reports, easing coronavirus restrictions is an international trend!

Liberal MP & Quebec Caucus Chair @JoelLightbound breaks from the Party.

Saskatchewan will end its vaccine passport policy on Monday, Feb. 14.

As my Premier, I am therefore asking you to please stand on the right side of history and call for PM to stop mandates, stop calling protesters'small,fringe minority’ in an insulting manner, also would like to ask for clear feedback from you.

Your sincerely


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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 刚发电邮给了我的MP 还有省长Ford, 省长办公室已回复收到。把信贴在这里供大家参考,信中大部分内容来自新闻,大家可删可减,发,发,发‼️ +22

    Dear Premier Doug Ford,

    I am writing to express my deep concern about the current situation of Canada freedom protesting in capital Ottawa.

    Please urge PM to meet the representative of protesters and start a sincere and constructive communication with them ASAP. It's definitely inappropriate to avoid the situation like this as a democratic country leader.

    January 20th,The World Health Organization recommended nations lift or ease their existing COVID-19-related travel restrictions, saying they could exacerbate economic and social stress related to the pandemic.

    WTO's report says countries should lift the bans and restrictions because the committee found “they do not provide added value and continue to contribute to the economic and social stress experienced” by citizens.

    In the latest news, Norway has lifted quarantine requirements for unvaccinated travelers, and the Netherland has loosened lockdown restrictions further. England and Scotland are dropping testing requirements for vaccinated travelers. Also, residents of Abu Dhabi in the UAE now need a booster shot in order to be considered fully vaccinated, but international tourists do not. Ireland has removed nearly all of its Covid measures. England rolled back Covid-19 restrictions on Jan. 26, dropping the public mask mandate and no longer requiring Covid-19 passes for entry to large venues and events.

    January 29th. -Austria will begin easing COVID-19 related restrictions next week.

    States are starting to ease coronavirus lockdown restrictions and focus on fixing their battered economies.

    According to latest news reports, easing coronavirus restrictions is an international trend!

    Liberal MP & Quebec Caucus Chair @JoelLightbound breaks from the Party.

    Saskatchewan will end its vaccine passport policy on Monday, Feb. 14.

    As my Premier, I am therefore asking you to please stand on the right side of history and call for PM to stop mandates, stop calling protesters'small,fringe minority’ in an insulting manner, also would like to ask for clear feedback from you.

    Your sincerely


    • Good job 👍 +18
      • 😘😘😘 +2
    • 🥁🥁🧨 +6
    • 写的很好,言简意赅,我也刚发了电邮给DOUG FORD OFFICE表达了同样的意思。 +4
      • 谢谢。共发三封,premier, MP,MPP, 只改个名字而已😀 +4
        • +1
    • 挺好。科学家们不是喜欢逻辑、推理包括统计吗?就这么几个发达国家已经有很多取消或废去控制了,加拿大傻子们还不知道转弯? +4
      • 故意的,fully vaccinated 对他都没用,他还要别人打,这个人怎么这么坏呀😡 +7
    • 昨天给Premier office打了电话,要求恢复家庭医生自主决定病人exempt vaccination的权力。办公室人员态度极好。 +15
      • 👍👍👍
      • 今天看到一篇文章,也是说premier office接电话的lady多么友好。但是,我再打的时候似乎把我屏蔽了,老说线路有问题。原来premier office只是找了一个会说话的接线员充当垃圾桶,说什么就像进了垃圾桶,并不管什么用。骗人的Doug Ford,Liberal的卧底。 +3
        • 居然有这种情况? 是不是打电话的人太多了?🤔
          • 应该不是。电话首先是接通的声音,两声接通的声音后才说线路问题,一天都是这样,或许跟我昨天的要求(vaccination)有关。文章中的人是闲聊天,所以一直能打通。不过说实话,那么会说话、说的让人那么舒服的人,确实从来没见过。绝对的高手! +1
            • 你就是想和她说话,她害怕再听你磁性性感的声音,就遁了😂😂😂
    • 真了不起!大家应该都行动起来,给本地的MP,省长FORD,Conservative Party 发邮件,也许同时邮寄信件更好!上次看到美国的法官MP说潮水般涌来的信件代表民意! +4
      • 写好一封,其它的就是copy/paste 😄 +1
    • 大家还是行动起来,给省长FORD,本地的MP,Conservative Party 发邮件和信件要求终止疫苗护照。这才是真正帮卡车司机,帮加拿大人,帮自己。否则就是第三针,第四针,没有尽头。离得远,看视频,真的没什么作用。 +3