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He is my doctor too. My due date is May 19. Two of my friends had baby delievered by him, they said he is nice. I also think so.

I had bleeding since my fifth weeks, he prescriped the medicine to save my baby (some doctors here won't do this, just let it go). I took a few Ultrasound since then, now it looks like my baby is ok. In the beginning, the OB recommended by my family doctor is not him, however , when I was in that emergency, the receptionist of that doctor just asked me to go to hospital instead of arranging me an earlier appointment. Fortunately, I had seen Doctor Chu before, and got an appointment, and I kept to see him every week during last few weeks because of my risk.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请教
    各位JJMM,我怀孕11周, 家庭大夫要我做Ultrosound,会不会太早了?一般怀孕多久才应该做? 先谢谢了. 另外, 欢迎准妈妈们一起交流怀孕的感受及怀孕期间应注意的问题,
    • 至少13周。
    • read some books ba, search Rolia 精华区
      • thank you very much! jianghongca&mssg. I've already checked relevant information,very useful. Ty So far I haven't experienced any morning sick, nausea, or any thing different from before I gor pregant. Is this normal?
        • No morning sick. You are very luck. Ultrosound at around week 12 is to check if the baby is healthy.
          • According the book I read, women who feel nothing is more likely to have a miscarriage than those who experience morning sick
            • 有这种说法啊?我认识的一个朋友整个怀孕都没有MORNING SICK,BABY顺利生产,很健康。
              • 听你这样说我就放心了. 谢谢!
              • 没有的事,我整个怀孕期间没有任何反应,儿子现在健康的很.
    • 赶紧去订产前班。晚了就排不上乐。
      • Please help-Can you introduce a good Childbirth education class, please? I live in finch& Victoria Park area. Ty
        • 我就是太晚了,排不上乐。你打这个电话416-338-7600,然后按照语音提示一步步来。
          • 我打了. 说已经满了.她让打另一个电话, 有中文的416-392-6981,但是电话录音.我在等消息, 明天再打, 不过产前班去不成也没关系. Rolia上的信息已够消化的了. 不懂的可请教有经验的JJMM.关键是找个好的产科大夫或接生婆.
    • hands.// 我也是11周.我的医生没说让我做ultrasound,他讲一般是16周做的.怀孕6周之后就可以做ultrasound了.
      • 我的预产期是明年5月13日,你的呢? 找好产科大夫了吗? 我的是Dr. Dennis Chu 308-4800 Leslie St. 有哪位JJMM与他打过交道?
        • He is my doctor too. My due date is May 19. Two of my friends had baby delievered by him, they said he is nice. I also think so.
          I had bleeding since my fifth weeks, he prescriped the medicine to save my baby (some doctors here won't do this, just let it go). I took a few Ultrasound since then, now it looks like my baby is ok. In the beginning, the OB recommended by my family doctor is not him, however , when I was in that emergency, the receptionist of that doctor just asked me to go to hospital instead of arranging me an earlier appointment. Fortunately, I had seen Doctor Chu before, and got an appointment, and I kept to see him every week during last few weeks because of my risk.
        • 太恐怖了.due day居然也一样.我的家庭医生本身就是妇产科医生,接生的.所以就不换了.我们保持联系吧.
          • Shirley. Wish you good luck, and thank you for sharing the information. Deepblue-Keep in touch. TY for replying.