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If no specific reason, why not going on with breast-feeding? Breast-feeding is such a wonderful experience and enjoyable time I have ever had...

I was back to work when my son was 6 months at that time and was going on with breast-feeding. I believe it’s the right thing for me to do. I used 10-20 minus and twice a day, to express milk with my hands. Needless to say, hands are better than any other mechanical or electrical tools. After work, I fed him immediately and left the expressed milk for next day.

When my son reached his14 months, I decided to wean him. It’s really a hard work for both my son and I, emotionally and physically. Finally, I switched to another way. It is proved to be an effective way. I left my son with his grandparents for 2 weeks completely. When coming back, my son didn’t ask for breast-milk any more. He started to like formula.

Above is my experience, I am not sure if it’s fit you or not, just want to give some clue.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请教各们妈妈, 小女八个半月了, 想给她断奶, 有什么好办法么? 急人啊, 她最近副食也不肯吃, 只吃我的奶, 不够吃呀! 她又不肯吃奶瓶, 难道真的用国内的强制性方法, 硬饿她么, 或在奶头上涂什么东西!
    • 贴错地了!
      • 用奶瓶试着喂水和奶.不要求宝宝一次能吃很多.我女儿开始只吃15ML,30ML还要大哭一场.但是一天天的进步,.陪着女儿哭了差不多半个月,后来她也接受奶瓶了.坚持就是胜利,如果你太心软,副食加不上会影响宝宝的发育.
        • 谢谢你, 可能每次看她哭的稀里花拉的,就心软了.好, 我多试试.
    • 我有同样的烦恼,试过各种奶粉和各式各样奶嘴,她只是拿来咬着玩,就是不喝。米糊也不肯吃,后来朋友教我给她煮粥和烂面条,她倒肯吃。但如何断奶仍是个大问题。:(
      • 不能给宝宝不断试不同奶粉.孩子肠胃很弱,经不起这种折腾.换换奶嘴就行了.看看会不会奶嘴眼太小了,宝宝吸得费劲也不会好好吃奶的.
        • 谢谢提醒!
        • 有道理,这些天买了不同的奶粉给她试, 结果她都不肯吃.其实我发现是个习惯问题,宝宝最大的问题是不肯吃奶嘴, 我把奶泵出来,她也不肯吃. 最重要的是还得训练她吃奶瓶.
      • 你的宝宝多大了?
        • 快八个半月了。
          • 和我们家宝宝差不多大.
            • 谢谢你写得为宝宝治湿疹的帖子,很有用,我家宝宝湿疹差不多都好了。
    • 什么时候应该给孩子短奶啊?如果只能母乳喂养三四个月,换奶粉是不是会很难?
      • 宝宝越小越好换,妈妈的奶越好越难换.最好妈妈能喂半年.母乳里的抗体不可多得.
        • 可是如果上了班,再母乳喂养就很麻烦了吧?有人这样试过吗?
          • 我朋友是把奶泵出来放冰箱里,每天一次。
          • 挤出来放在冰箱里.不过,你白天就要受罪了.不过为了宝宝也值得.
          • 再请问,是每天一次呢,还是每隔几个小时就要有一次?书上怎么说8小时内要两三次?也太麻烦了:(
    • 如果条件允许,再喂一段时间。 我的宝宝到10个月的时候自己就自动断掉了。
      • 怎么自动断掉的呢, 我们这个小家伙, 不喝其它任何东西, 水从来没喝过, 副食倒是吃一些, 但只能用勺子喂. 请问你是用什么办法?
        • 我挺早的时候就开始自己喂和BOTTLE混合喂(PUMP出来的母乳),7个月以后母乳减少就开始加FORMULAR。
          • 我们的麻烦是宝宝不肯喝奶瓶。:(
            • 我在上培训班的时候, 很多妈妈都说他们的孩子断奶的时候,不肯吃奶瓶, 直接用奶杯. 所以你不用愁, 慢慢地用奶杯训练她喝奶就行了.
          • 好几个朋友都是这样自动断的. 你还好十个月才自动断的, 我的几个朋友混合喂养的, 四个月孩子就不肯吃妈妈奶了,因为还是吃奶瓶痛快. 以后再生小孩的话, 至少在她小的时候就得训练她用奶瓶喝水, 否则越大越难训练.
            • 同意,第二个孩子我一定采用混合喂养,断起来容易。
        • 水要坚持喂,我家女儿很爱喝水,用水杯,avent有一种水杯很好用,喝水的嘴是软的,而且不会泼。但我用水杯装了奶粉,小家伙就不喝了。:(
          • 我也在训练她喝水杯, 她现在还不肯喝, 前两天嘴唇都裂了. 现在天天让她拿水杯玩, 时不时往她嘴里送, 希望慢慢地她就喝了.
            • 试试看果汁她喝不喝?
              • 不喝,鲜榨的也不肯. 她看我们吃水果,她就要舔舔, 给她榨出汁来, 她就不喝了. 买的小孩的果汁,她更不肯. 奇怪,都说小孩子愿意喝果汁, 我家宝宝为什么不肯.
          • 其实你家宝宝只要肯喝水杯就好办多了. 她只是不喜欢奶粉的味道. 你可以在副食里,比如米粥里一点点加点奶粉, 慢慢地她适应这个味道就好了. 另外很多人都推荐那种买的现成的奶比奶粉的喂道好, 可以先试试.
            • 小宝宝都很固执,米糊里加了奶粉,她就不吃了。:( 我也打算试试那种现成的奶,如再不行,等她满10个月,她爸爸休假时,决定强行断奶。
              • 呵呵, 小家伙蛮精的. 我们家宝宝今天早晨煮粥, 她喜欢喝, 我就加一点点奶, 她觉察不出来, 接着喝, 我就又加一点. 不要让她觉得味道变化太大.
                • :)
    • 喂副食除了要换花样,还要坚持,不能他不吃你就不喂了。每天到该喂的时候就喂,哪怕时间长一点,慢慢她就习惯了。我女儿就是这样,原来牙关禁闭,现在终于肯开口了。
    • If no specific reason, why not going on with breast-feeding? Breast-feeding is such a wonderful experience and enjoyable time I have ever had...
      I was back to work when my son was 6 months at that time and was going on with breast-feeding. I believe it’s the right thing for me to do. I used 10-20 minus and twice a day, to express milk with my hands. Needless to say, hands are better than any other mechanical or electrical tools. After work, I fed him immediately and left the expressed milk for next day.

      When my son reached his14 months, I decided to wean him. It’s really a hard work for both my son and I, emotionally and physically. Finally, I switched to another way. It is proved to be an effective way. I left my son with his grandparents for 2 weeks completely. When coming back, my son didn’t ask for breast-milk any more. He started to like formula.

      Above is my experience, I am not sure if it’s fit you or not, just want to give some clue.
      • " express milk twice a day", does that means you need not do it at work?
        • I expressed milk into a cooling bottle at 11am and 2pm during workday and fed my son directly in the early morning and evening.
          • Where can you do it? Washroom? Or your employer provided you another place?
            • Washroom.
              • Thanks.
        • 我的朋友就是上班时泵出来,先存放在公司冰箱里,下班带回去。
          • 唉,真麻烦:(
      • 主要是母乳不够了,怕宝宝吃不饱,她又不吃奶粉,所以才想断了母乳后她是不是就会吃奶粉了。
        • There are two choices:
          1 Insist to breast-feed, at the same time, try to add formula. Normally, breast-fed baby will not like formula at once. You want to give her time to fit, gradually.

          2 Wean. If u have other place to live, it’s much better; otherwise it’s so sad to hear baby crying for “food”.
          • 谢谢。1,一直在试喂fomula,但尚未成功。2,做好心理准备,到时候准会陪宝宝一起哭。对老公也是一种锻炼。
      • 又要上班又要上学, 不得已要把孩子送到DAYCARE, 再说孩子只吃母乳已经不够营养了.我们决定下个星期再试试, 孩子哭我倒还能忍受. 喂奶粉的时候, 我藏起来, 不让看见, 他爸爸喂. 结果孩子再看到我的时候, 就特别委曲, 大哭.
        • I fully understand you. At beginning, I also tried to hide from my son at feeding time, with the coordination of my parents. But...
          he is so clever that kept looking for me one by one room, closet, back of the door and every corner of our house. He thought I was playing game with him. His crying made me heartbreak and I gave it up. Then, my parents gave me the idea to have 2 weeks vacation in US. It worked with less pain. This time my son quickly noticed I was not at home indeed and no more cry.
    • 八个半月早该加副食了。太晚对宝宝不好:影响营养,影响说话,也影响断奶。宝宝开始不爱吃副食,一定要坚持。
      • 可能是我写的贴子误导了.四个月以后给她吃副食了,前一阵吃的挺好的, 每天早晚一小碗米糊, 中午吃些菜,水果什么的. 可是最近有二十多天了,什么都不肯吃. 有的朋友告诉我正常.
        • 是不是长新牙了?
          • 呵呵,我家小坏蛋至今一颗牙未长, 不过快出来了.
            • 那可能是长牙的关系。我女儿是在六个月时发生不肯吃副食的情况,现在好多了,她现在已经有六颗牙了。
        • 如果她没有不舒服的表现,吃多点吃少点没关系,小孩别看小,也和大人一样知道自己的胃口。