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i said so because i personally know one of my friend family lost their twin babies just before they were born, all because of the stupid waiting

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛and an old lady's cancer's treatment was hopelessly delayed, because the doctors here really do not know how to check the illness by themself, they only know how to read the test result. but when the result came out , it was already too late. that lady's cancer was felt by her family 1 year ago, and for only a CT photogragh, it took more than one month to wait, that lady got the the treatment imeddiately when she got back to shanghai, but it is too late la, right now she is actually waiting for her death.

and I ever saw how they cooled down a fever: just lefe 8 years old boy in the lobby totally naked in the cold winter, then the fever was cooled down quickly, but the boy often got ill after that, almost once every two weeks, even can not go to school, his familly finally found a chinese doctor to treat him, he got well couple of month later.

so, if you have a baby, you have to use your own brain a lot, just can not trust the doctors here, they r really stupid, they can only deal with very common situation and only know how to depend on all kinds of instruments. they really do not know how to find your disease by themself, one of my friend told me::if you r afraid of some disease, you have to tell the doctor by yourself and ask them to check that for you, they definitely can not find that if you r not clear, not like in china, the doctor can find you illness by looking, listening, touching, they even neven touch you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 我的宝宝在生的时候,加拿大医生用了产钳,在他的耳朵边上有个产钳夹的印子,护士都说会掉的,可现在已经一岁一各月了,还能看见那条印子,每次想起来我都想哭。有人懂吗?会长好吗?
    • 我老弟都二十五了,右耳朵下面还是缠在一起的一陀。
      • @_@
        • 那么严重吗?天哪。缠在一起的一陀是怎么回事?@_@是什么意思?
          • @_@ means surprise. :-)
          • 就是那边的耳垂拉了二十五年还是拉不直的那种样子
      • 这和产钳应该没关系,去google查一下microtia.
    • do not 100% trust the doctors and nurses of Canada, have to use your own brain, they r kind of idiot, they even do not know how to cool down a fever correctly
      • 同意,都是猪。中国早就不准用产钳了。我恨死那个臭医生了。
        • 不要那么绝对,我朋友的儿子在上海出生时就用了产钳,都夹在脸上了,3岁后就看不到了。当然我不能保证所有人都这么好。产钳在必要时在哪里都会用,从来没听说国内不用产钳了。
          • now, usually cut the vaginal, do not use that stuff la, but the thing is the technique here is bad, a lot of doctor can not do this small operation well, that is why they still use this stuff
        • i said so because i personally know one of my friend family lost their twin babies just before they were born, all because of the stupid waiting
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛and an old lady's cancer's treatment was hopelessly delayed, because the doctors here really do not know how to check the illness by themself, they only know how to read the test result. but when the result came out , it was already too late. that lady's cancer was felt by her family 1 year ago, and for only a CT photogragh, it took more than one month to wait, that lady got the the treatment imeddiately when she got back to shanghai, but it is too late la, right now she is actually waiting for her death.

          and I ever saw how they cooled down a fever: just lefe 8 years old boy in the lobby totally naked in the cold winter, then the fever was cooled down quickly, but the boy often got ill after that, almost once every two weeks, even can not go to school, his familly finally found a chinese doctor to treat him, he got well couple of month later.

          so, if you have a baby, you have to use your own brain a lot, just can not trust the doctors here, they r really stupid, they can only deal with very common situation and only know how to depend on all kinds of instruments. they really do not know how to find your disease by themself, one of my friend told me::if you r afraid of some disease, you have to tell the doctor by yourself and ask them to check that for you, they definitely can not find that if you r not clear, not like in china, the doctor can find you illness by looking, listening, touching, they even neven touch you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 不用产钳,孩子出不来,不是更坏事么
    • 我儿子鼻子上有一点点印记就是产钳的功劳,还好啦,难道看着孩子卡在那里出不来?以后怀孕补的别这么多就行了
    • 我太太生孩子的时候也用,没有痕迹。大概跟医生水平也有点关系吧。
    • 生产前听说过产钳的种种不好,所以生孩子的时候医生OFFER用产钳,我坚决拒绝,结果他们就同意给了一刀。
      • 之前我不知到有这样的事,要知道一定让他开刀也不让他用产钳。我后悔死了。下次再不能允许他们那样做了。而且他并没有征求我的意见。另外谢谢大家的回复。
    • 不是现在有真空吸的了么?
    • 产钳没问题的,不会留疤。别骂人了。