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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛FYI: Here are some free stuff or discounts you may receive: 

Enfalac (Mead Johnson)
Baby Steps Program: free booklets to help you make informed decisions about the best nutritional care for the growth and development of you and your baby, and a keepsake box with a free sample of Enfalac Iron Fortified Formula. Enrol online at www.meadjohnson.ca/i1/p5c.htm or by calling 1-800-361-6323.

Good Start or Alsoy (Nestlé)
Nestlé Canada's multiple births program will send you two free cases of formula and coupons. Mail proof of birth and mailing information to: Nestlé Canada, P.O. Box 700, Pickering, ON, L1V 3R3 or fax it to 1-905-837-5009.
Nestlé Baby Club: gives you all the latest information on nutrition in pregnancy and the early years of your baby's life, free coupons and samples. Enrol online at www.nestle.ca/english/yourbaby/yb-club.html

Welcome Addition Club: Free sample of Similac Advance, money-saving coupons and newsletters. To enrol, call 1-800-518-2582.

Get a free gift package for parents of multiples by contacting Heinz using their online form at www.heinzbaby.com/contactus/index.cfm. Join the Heinz Baby Basics mailing list at www.vitalbaby.com/basics/offer.html and receive details on future offers and specials.

One-time gift offer for parents of multiples (coupons). Mail your name and address along with photocopies of your babies' birth certificates to: Kimberly-Clark, Inc., Department QMB, 50 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3Y5.

One-time gift offer for parents of multiples (coupons for a package of free diapers and wipes for each baby). Mail your name and address along with photocopies of your babies' birth certificates (or verification of birth on your doctor's letterhead stationery) to: Pampers Multiple Birth Offer, The Procter & Gamble Company - Toronto Ontario, P. O. Box 355, Station A, Toronto Ontario, M5W 1C5.

Canadian Sitter
Offers parents of multiple births an excellent discount on their services: register for 3 months and get 2 months free, or register for 1 year and get 6 months free. To get your automatic extension, mention that you're a parent of twins, triplets or higher order multiples when you complete the online registration form at www.canadiansitter.ca. Offer valid in Canada only.

hope that help..更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 两个礼拜大的双胞胎儿子。
    • 真好玩。
    • 恭喜恭喜!! 双卵双生?
      • 好像是,不过听护士说两个胎盘粘在一起, 有孪生的可能性。
        • 我最羡慕会生双胞胎的人了,多省事情啊!!!
          • me too.
            • 眼红啊。
          • 这怀双胞胎好像是老公起作用大.
            • 好象和家庭史或遗传有关.
              • 对, 好像遗传和药物都有影响。不过我们两个都没沾边,算是开创新纪录吧, 往后就有遗传史了。
                • 厉害!
                • 有趣!有趣!不过做TWIN的家长很累啊,DIAPER,FOMULAR,CLOTHES都要双份的,
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛FYI: Here are some free stuff or discounts you may receive: 

                  Enfalac (Mead Johnson)
                  Baby Steps Program: free booklets to help you make informed decisions about the best nutritional care for the growth and development of you and your baby, and a keepsake box with a free sample of Enfalac Iron Fortified Formula. Enrol online at www.meadjohnson.ca/i1/p5c.htm or by calling 1-800-361-6323.

                  Good Start or Alsoy (Nestlé)
                  Nestlé Canada's multiple births program will send you two free cases of formula and coupons. Mail proof of birth and mailing information to: Nestlé Canada, P.O. Box 700, Pickering, ON, L1V 3R3 or fax it to 1-905-837-5009.
                  Nestlé Baby Club: gives you all the latest information on nutrition in pregnancy and the early years of your baby's life, free coupons and samples. Enrol online at www.nestle.ca/english/yourbaby/yb-club.html

                  Welcome Addition Club: Free sample of Similac Advance, money-saving coupons and newsletters. To enrol, call 1-800-518-2582.

                  Get a free gift package for parents of multiples by contacting Heinz using their online form at www.heinzbaby.com/contactus/index.cfm. Join the Heinz Baby Basics mailing list at www.vitalbaby.com/basics/offer.html and receive details on future offers and specials.

                  One-time gift offer for parents of multiples (coupons). Mail your name and address along with photocopies of your babies' birth certificates to: Kimberly-Clark, Inc., Department QMB, 50 Burnhamthorpe Road West, Mississauga, Ontario, L5B 3Y5.

                  One-time gift offer for parents of multiples (coupons for a package of free diapers and wipes for each baby). Mail your name and address along with photocopies of your babies' birth certificates (or verification of birth on your doctor's letterhead stationery) to: Pampers Multiple Birth Offer, The Procter & Gamble Company - Toronto Ontario, P. O. Box 355, Station A, Toronto Ontario, M5W 1C5.

                  Canadian Sitter
                  Offers parents of multiple births an excellent discount on their services: register for 3 months and get 2 months free, or register for 1 year and get 6 months free. To get your automatic extension, mention that you're a parent of twins, triplets or higher order multiples when you complete the online registration form at www.canadiansitter.ca. Offer valid in Canada only.

                  hope that help..更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 好可愛.請到人幫忙了嗎,不然會很辛苦哦.
      • 还在找啊, 有哪位推荐推荐好吗?contura12@rogers.com
    • 恭喜恭喜! 我朋友家还需要那位阿姨干大约1年的时间. 你们可能等不了那么长的时间. good luck.
      • 一年啊? 呵呵, 有点等不及。谢谢你的好心回应。
        • 是呀! 我朋友一个人在这里带一个3个月的小孩, 很辛苦的. 一年后, 她就可以入籍, 然后回家了.
    • 好福气!
    • 右边的那个象小布什。
      • MM, 找到工作了吗?
        • jj是不是认错人了?
          • sorry! : )
            • 没事,没事,你很有名的说,能让你误认一下,很荣幸的说。:)
      • 没错没错,刚想说呢.:D
      • I also just want to say he looks like Bush Jr. Congrats!
    • 怎么皮肤红红的?
      • 刚生的孩子都是红的,到时候你就知道了:)还有一种说法,生的时候越红,以后越白。
      • 小宝宝省下来都是酱紫的呀,据说皮肤发红的长大会变白。:)
    • 真了不起呀!不过要更辛苦了,take care.
    • 你老婆真幸福,只受一次怀孕的罪就有两个儿子了。
      • 要是一男一女,任务就完成了。:)
        • 难度太大,别说双胞胎,就是第二胎还要TAKE CHANCE呢
          • :D
        • 你真搞笑 : )
      • 错了,更受罪的是生下来以后,特别是双胞胎儿子
        • 我觉得怀孕才叫受活罪。我们家族有双宝胎史,可惜咬牙切齿也没轮到我头上。
          • 我和老公双方家族都有龙凤胎史,可是我们只是幻想了一番。。。连双胞胎都不是。
            • 你/你老公的兄弟姐妹里有没有美梦成真的?
              • 老公没有兄弟姐妹。:)
    • 摆脱不要再贴刚出生的小孩,太丑!
      • JJ,你真扫兴!!!
      • 弄个个您,哪嫩港诶五个呢
        • :D:D
    • 好可爱啊,不过真够你忙得了。:)
    • 真幸福! 不过提醒你不要给BB穿太多, 他们怕热. 一件棉质睡衣加小毯子足够了.
      • 谢谢提醒,是好像有点多了。我是给他们多穿一件怕热、少穿一件怕冷:P~~~~~
        • 肯定穿太多了,在屋里穿一件软软的棉质合身衣服多舒适。宝宝的小手好象很大。