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You don't know what the f*k r u talking about!

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  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Remembrance Day: It is my duty to resist. +11

    It is my duty to resist.

    In this remembrance day, I remember what they sacrificed for freedom, God given freedom.

    Now this fight continues in this country.

    Freedom of choice is so fundamental that what you want to put in your own body should never be threatened by public opinion, job loss, and certainly should never be decided by public health officer or health minister.

    Resist, is my call for this remembrance day.

    • 个人看法,这是对这个节日的滥用。 +7
    • So pissed off by the stupidity of the people, if half of the sheep could wake up then things would have been very different! Sad part is you cannot fix the stupid. +3
      • 人的愚蠢在于不知道自己愚蠢,一个连最基本的传染病专业名词都不懂几个的,却去大骂政府的传染病专家制定的政策愚蠢,呵呵,真不知道是嘴巴大还是脑袋大 +3
    • Good fight, the vaccine is a joke, the most vaccinated countries are still in a crisis and pushing for the 3rd/4th shot, the least ones like India have returned to normal life +4
    • 谁给你的任务去“resist”呢?你不接受限制也可以,但是也不要到处跑。 +2
      • 确实,自由已经被自私滥用,没有哪个国家愿意给病毒传播的自由,这世界又太多假借所谓的自由行极端利己主义的行为,罔顾其他人也有不被传染的自由,这种自私自利不负责任是在玷污军人保卫公众作出的牺牲 +3
        • 自由已经被滥用,利用西方新闻自由输出革命。长惊呼可以在这里上映,美国拍的韩站纪录片可以在中国上映么?
      • my duty, means no need to take order from anyone. Freedom is something I don't plan to give up. The lest I can do is NOT TAKING the jab. +5
        • 开车就要守规矩,除非你不去公众场合,这个道理很简单 +4
          • Driving is privilege. Freedom is right. completely different concept but guess you don't understand the difference. +2
            • 你如果不去公告场合比如学校,公司,公车,没人管你,只要进入这些地方就不是RIGHT,别混淆视听了
              • Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected in the first place!
                • 说不清楚就用中文,别急,慢慢说
          • You are comparing apple with orange, seatbelt law doesn't do harm to people, but vaccine does harm or kill people and it's not as effective as claimed, officials just don't admit it +1
            • 规矩不仅仅是seat belt, 包括靠右行走,遵守红绿灯这些可能危害公共安全的事情,你不打疫苗可能危害公共安全,没有任何人有必要为你的自由付出生命的代价!你不愿意遵守规矩,完全可以呆在家里
              • Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected in the first place!
                • 说不清楚就用中文
                  • can't understand? whatever.
                    • 你这英文改说中文吧
        • 你如果离群索居,那是你的自由。但是你如果生活在社会,你就有做人的社会责任,不仅是对社会,也对你的家人负责。只讲自由不讲责任是自私的行为。 +9
          • You've already vaxxed, supposed to be protected. Why the hell you are afraind of unvaxx? Make no sense! +3

            Same goes to vaxx the child as human shield! what kind of animal would risk the kids to protect him/herself?! So sick!
            • 我是不怕,但是你们这样的人多了,病毒在你们之间流行,挤占医疗资源,耗费大量税金,不都会影响我们这些老老实实遵循规则的人吗?何况还有很多免疫不健全的弱势群体,你们不是对他们的生命的严重威胁吗?
              • nonsense. soon you will see more vaxx occupy the hospital. From vaxx AE and Covid. This thing has not worked in Israel, Singapore, Canada won't be different. +2
                • 你说的这些完全没有科学根据的阴谋论,政府不可能因为你的阴谋论来制定法律,政府的法律是根据医学专家建议制定的,而不是根据你的无知制定的
                  • com'on Israel, Singapore, data is there. you don't want to see it does not mean it is not existing.
                    • 那是网上面你自己分析的数据,没有任何专家给你背书,而政府是根据专业人士的建议制定规则,你觉得你比那些专家更懂,照照镜子吧,别用自己的无知来指导专家怎么做,你真的不配!
                      • You don't know what the f*k r u talking about!
                        • 别不懂装懂,你要真懂,到处都有杂志发表你的专业文章,否则别去挑战传染病专家意见,啥都不懂在网上道听途说就开始表演传染病专家,先看懂几个传染病专业名词再来扯淡吧
                  • Medical experts? come on, they told us not to wear mask
                    • 如果加拿大只有10个新冠,确实没必要让3000万人带口罩,如果有100万人,就很有必要,别断章取义自以为聪明了,这样说只能说明你连最基本分析能力都没有,难怪刚站出来大声反对疫苗
                      • Cool, you don't seem to be one that can be reasoned with, I give up
                        • 昨天正确的做法用在今天可能就是错误的,这种道理应该非常的简单和容易理解,你却说你懂得讲道理?
          • Why do the protected need to be protected from the unprotected by forcing the unprotected to use the protection that didn't protect the protected in the first place! +1
            • (#14104713@0)
              • LOL
    • 非常佩服你。。。这个时代需要像你这样的人。 +6
    • 不扯那么远,感染了据说对身体的伤害若干倍疫苗的伤害,你一点都不在乎你可能再次感染?还是坚决不打疫苗?
      • absolutely not. Natural immunity is the best. Plenty of study shows it. Dr. McCullough intentionally let a delta patient coughing on his face w/o mask, just show how good his natural immunity is. Ignoring natural immunity shows it is NOT about science. +3

        And if you want to debate natural immunity, bring it on!
        • 算了吧,没有政府会听你对传染病一无所知的人胡扯,预防传染病不是政治,不是什么人都有资格参与制定规则的,更别扯上节日,不懂没问题,别不懂装懂
    • It is my duty to say the post is totally inappropriate. 反疫苗都反到恶心节日去了。 +4
    • 支持你! +2
    • 没看懂。

      作者要 Resist 什么?


      “this fight"是哪个fight?