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Downtown 的工人们要回归了

Having a long-term hybrid arrangement can create a division among some workers – a divide that Victor Dodig said he has been aware of since Day 1 of the pandemic

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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / Downtown 的工人们要回归了
    Having a long-term hybrid arrangement can create a division among some workers – a divide that Victor Dodig said he has been aware of since Day 1 of the pandemic
    • 安省大学将从一月开始全面返校上课 +2
      • 安省大学还在网课?
        • 不到一半的课程是in person。你不住安省?你们那儿早就全面返校了?
          • 我孤陋寡闻:)
      • 小小嘴巴说是3月回Downtown上班
    • 病毒还未清除 这么着急回去干啥 办公室里最好一个得了就全部一锅端 在家上班有啥不好 +1