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Sting -【 Fields of gold 】by 逗

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Sting我超爱的音乐大神,那年我每天开车上班来回70公里,从冬到春,到夏,到秋,再到冬,路上只听一张CD,就是Sting的,尤其喜爱这首Fields of gold。

这版是Dana Winner翻唱的,是她去年LIVE From My Home To Your Home专辑里一首,高兴之余抓下伴奏,终于可以自己唱了。



Songwriters: Sting / Sumner Gordon Matthew
Cover Dana Winner


You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Among the fields of barley
You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold

So she took her love
For to gaze a while
Among the fields of barley
In his arms she fell as her hair came down
Among the fields of gold
Will you stay with me?
Will you be my love?
Among the fields of barley

And you can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold

I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken
But I swear in the days still left
We'll walk in fields of gold
We'll walk in fields of gold

I never made promises lightly
And there have been some that I've broken
But I swear in the days still left
We'll walk in fields of gold
We'll walk in fields of gold

Many years have passed since those summer days
Among the fields of barley
See the children run as the sun goes down
As you lie in fields of gold

You'll remember me when the west wind moves
Among the fields of barley
And you can tell the sun in his jealous sky
When we walked in fields of gold
When we walked in fields of gold
We walked in fields of gold


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  • 枫下拾英 / 枫下歌台 / Sting -【 Fields of gold 】by 逗 +4

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    Sting我超爱的音乐大神,那年我每天开车上班来回70公里,从冬到春,到夏,到秋,再到冬,路上只听一张CD,就是Sting的,尤其喜爱这首Fields of gold。

    这版是Dana Winner翻唱的,是她去年LIVE From My Home To Your Home专辑里一首,高兴之余抓下伴奏,终于可以自己唱了。



    Songwriters: Sting / Sumner Gordon Matthew
    Cover Dana Winner


    You'll remember me when the west wind moves
    Among the fields of barley
    You can tell the sun in his jealous sky
    When we walked in fields of gold

    So she took her love
    For to gaze a while
    Among the fields of barley
    In his arms she fell as her hair came down
    Among the fields of gold
    Will you stay with me?
    Will you be my love?
    Among the fields of barley

    And you can tell the sun in his jealous sky
    When we walked in fields of gold

    I never made promises lightly
    And there have been some that I've broken
    But I swear in the days still left
    We'll walk in fields of gold
    We'll walk in fields of gold

    I never made promises lightly
    And there have been some that I've broken
    But I swear in the days still left
    We'll walk in fields of gold
    We'll walk in fields of gold

    Many years have passed since those summer days
    Among the fields of barley
    See the children run as the sun goes down
    As you lie in fields of gold

    You'll remember me when the west wind moves
    Among the fields of barley
    And you can tell the sun in his jealous sky
    When we walked in fields of gold
    When we walked in fields of gold
    We walked in fields of gold


    • 的確配合今天的天氣陰鬱而沒有陽光。深秋總是給人帶來很多的憂鬱。逗的歌聲就像一縷陽光穿破天空中的烏雲,雖然是非常短暫的,也是非常讓人精彩的。
      • 本来想重唱一遍的,可惜没了感觉,这首需要心无杂念,安安静静地听。Sting的歌词非常质朴,闭着眼享受这份秋意
    • 逗的歌声像深秋时节的山岚,轻柔,静雅,绕在山间,缠在心头。 +1
      • 谢谢香片,因为喜欢,闭着眼想象下大自然的美好:)
    • 忽然觉得逗唱E歌有民谣歌手的感觉。声音纯净,也不需要过多的伴奏。就像你说的,你安安静静地唱,听者安安静静地听就好🌸
      • 的确,唱了好几首E文老歌都是民谣,还有日语民谣,感觉都很微妙:)
    • 好美的歌,悠扬纯净安详,麦田也能这么浪漫多情! 😊逗的歌声里Danna Winner忽隐忽现,已经炉火纯青的感觉了!👍👍👍
      • 谢谢新衣,谬赞辣,技巧不足,情感来凑。我是Sting粉也是Danna粉,两者完美结合😀
    • 我没听过原唱,怎么全是假声的感觉?
      • 真假声都有。建议听听Sting这首原唱,编曲意境有很大不同。The Police那首【Every Breath You Take】应该不陌生吧
    • 好听好听👍
      • 谢谢长发哥,还在焦急地等你的大作呢😉
    • 好听,很美,咱们不管春夏与秋冬
      • 对,歌照唱,舞照跳,假装保安没有到😀
    • 刚听完一场比赛,马上听了你的歌,感觉很奇妙,这转接到位,用力鼓掌!
      • 啥比赛可以听的?好声音?
        • 油管推了一个好声音过来听的
    • 逗儿聪明又认真,感觉这两年歌艺有突飞猛进的提升,棒棒哒!👍
      • 这不,坏事变好事了,感谢疫情,让偶们又多了一门自娱自乐的技巧:)
    • 也是我心中的大神!逗儿这首歌最棒的地方是弹性,这是唱英文歌特别重要的,特别棒
      • 太好了,期待海大爷来首【Every Breath You Take】吧:)Ed Sheeran那首和声部分尝试很不错,还有更大提高空间
        • 啊,这首。。。最近连着录了几首,我要休息,你不要诱惑于我。。。
    • 好柔美的歌聲
      • 多谢阿六听歌