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对很多人来说,这个视频是真正的‘科幻’+‘玄幻’。不过喜欢追求真相,研究高维科技的人会喜欢这个视频的。ZT疫苗的真正成分 Vaccines - New Lab Analysis - Non Human Technology - Aneeka of Temmer Explains the Findings

In this video Aneeka of Temmer presents Taygetan lab findings of vaccines content. The technology discovered in corona virus vaccines exceeds human level of technology and understanding. It is clearly of no human development. To read the transcript: www.swaruu.org Cosmic Agency all videos in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MMhSGDuf9kKXPvXfgOr9w Cosmic Agency Uncensored on Odysse: https://odysee.com/@CosmicAgency:c Nanotechnology, graphene, genetic engineering, RNA spike proteins, nanobots.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 医药保健 / 对很多人来说,这个视频是真正的‘科幻’+‘玄幻’。不过喜欢追求真相,研究高维科技的人会喜欢这个视频的。ZT疫苗的真正成分 Vaccines - New Lab Analysis - Non Human Technology - Aneeka of Temmer Explains the Findings +3
    In this video Aneeka of Temmer presents Taygetan lab findings of vaccines content. The technology discovered in corona virus vaccines exceeds human level of technology and understanding. It is clearly of no human development. To read the transcript: www.swaruu.org Cosmic Agency all videos in Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC2MMhSGDuf9kKXPvXfgOr9w Cosmic Agency Uncensored on Odysse: https://odysee.com/@CosmicAgency:c Nanotechnology, graphene, genetic engineering, RNA spike proteins, nanobots.
    • 感兴趣的可以再看看Prometheus (2012 film)的开头,就有一个直观印象知道疫苗里的NANO PARTICLE是怎么影响DNA的。这个电影甚至讲明了灭绝人类的NANO PARTICLE不是在地球造的。这些ET用飞船通过portal把NANO PARTICLE运进地球。 +1
    • 【个人当前的愚昧认知】按主贴视频,可能这次疫苗的血栓危险被ALTERNATIVE NEWS夸大了。血栓只不过是在体内传输NANO PARTICLE是的副作用而已。并不是致命因素。这是真正的高维科技,个人化的医药和基因改造。致命的是每个人的不同的基因改造。所以每个人都会有不 +1

      同的副作用。可能正常实验方式是在基因改造完成后,用频率去除NANO PARTICLE。这次没有去除NANO PARTRICLE,暂时的副作用变成了永久的副作用。正好当前的人类科技也能测出血栓,便被广为宣传。更严重的个性化的基因改造反倒没被重视。



      不过打了疫苗的可能也不用太担心,有一种说法是疫苗里的KILLER SWITCH被解除了,所以人类整体灭绝的可能性被消除了。不过搞不清每个人的具体影响。可能很多人的健康还是会受很大影响。只能慢慢看了。

    • 中文简述 +2

      Here's another perspective on the jab.This suggests the Pleiadians are analyzing the cabal's injections and telling us they go beyond what our researchers and medical experts can understand because it's off-world technology which is strictly forbidden by the Federation—and yet,they are doing it,and very little seems to be done about it.Will microwaves and 5G"fertilize"the nano tech in the bloodstream of many Humans at some point?


      It's difficult to wrap your head around a lot of this information because it is so foreign to our indoctrination of what reality is.It sounds like a sci-fi thriller,this crazy movie.Video is 39 minutes.


    • DEEP STATE用这个科幻动画揭示他们的议程 +2
    • ZTVaccines, Covid, Viruses - Information Mix - Anéeka of Temmer信息量很大,其中有一条是VACCINE要消除人的同情心,或说是消灭人性 +2
      • 请问这个人是谁?
        • Swaruu +1
          • Swaruu 是谁? A psychic?
            • 可以看上贴的链接
              • Ok! 谢谢 +1
                • 不客气
        • 这个是正文翻译。不过没有上面和其他关于疫苗的文章的翻译。不知是没翻译还是微信不让发 +1