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Aliexpress: all order numbers start with 81 and end with 8158. Superstitious and unprofessional.



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  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / Aliexpress: all order numbers start with 81 and end with 8158. Superstitious and unprofessional.


    • It is just an identifier. All my tmall order number last 6 digits are the same. I thought someone with IT background should know this a little bit better.
      • 我觉得设计的很巧妙,兼顾了易读性,uniqueness和瞬间超大批次order的可能性
        • You may be an IT guy but you must not be a business guy.😂
          • if you design the logic, how would you do?
            • An order number is an order number. There may be one or two verification digits. But that's it.
              • 那样做的话,像双11这种超大规模事件,order number是有可能重复地
                • Okay now I'm convinced you are NOT an IT guy. 😄😄😄 +3
                  • 就像电话号码的国家号/区号,写前面认为正常,写后面就不认识了?
                    • Right. Don't think that is a professional practice
      • Unfortunately I had two orders on the way. It's very difficult to tell the difference just by the number. Usually we tell it by the ending numbers, like your credit card number. +1
    • I guess the last 4 digits of your order numbers are the last 4 digits of your user UID, so the last 4 digits of all orders of the same buyer are exactly the same.
      • My user ID doesn't look connected to this number. Will see if other customers notice the same thing.
        • not the user ID, your user UID which identified by system.
          • Well, let's see whether other customers also get the same suffix.
    • 开头的81是正好轮到这个数,我去年的order就是80打头
      • Okay the prefix sounds fair
      • 看来头两位和年有关
      • What's the ending of your order number?
        • 这个和你的不同,不过我的每个order最后四位都一样,最后一位也是8,但其他三位没8
          • Thanks for the information. It's just inconvenient for the customers.
    • 8158:不要我发
      • 😭