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please come in

Let me explain this way.
1.Go to China
2. go to 市、县公安局, 外馆处, get an offical 寄养申请 (it is printed and formatted already)
3. bring the official 寄养申请, go to 公证chu办理委托人与国内受委托人的关系的公证
4. after certified, go to 市、县公安局, 外馆处 again to show them the document togher with your signed 寄养申请
5. pay money
6. deal closed
7. why bother to go to Chinese consulate here, which cost you at least a lot of time for the documentation.
P.S. apply a visa from chinese consulate for the baby to entry into china

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请问到使馆给孩子办回国的寄养证需要父母俩都到场吗?是不是只要一方去就可以了?另外父母的landing paper和护照是不是都要复印件?谢谢!
    • 申请在华寄养外籍儿童须知
      • 谢谢提供信息!可我还是看不出是否父母双方都得到场。我不住在多伦多,去一趟不方便,想一个人去办理,又怕另一半不到场不给办理就白费功夫了。
        • 听说要父母2人当场签名
          • 谢谢!唉!要是你能确信就好了。
        • very very sure.父母双方必须到场,必须当场签字,连事先签好给他都不行。你说可能不到么?我就因为这个,只好回国再办了
    • 还想问一句,如果把孩子送回去不办寄养证会有什么麻烦吗?
      • 有朋友就让孩子成黑户了.不知将来有什么影响.国内好象是超过半年?一年?(时间不是很确定)就必须办居留证,.
    • 请问各位好心人:如果不是办寄养,只是让小孩与祖父回国,需要什么证明吗?如何办?
      • Passport, Visa and a letter of authorization. we prepared one in both English and Chinese, but nobody asked for, but I still suggest you have them handy.
        • ▲▲■■ 谢谢Highlander的回复。■■另外,这个letter of authorization需要做公证吗?大概的格式是什么?有参考的样本吗?■■
    • 父母必须亲自去.护照,LP原件,复印件,宝宝护照复印件.到领事馆填表.30元,4个工作日.周一到周五下午3:00-5:00电话416-964-8861有人接电话.
      • 那第一次签证给多少时间(半年?)。续签要到哪里办(市公安局?外事处?)
      • 第一次半年.最长的了.国内在外事办办理.
    • why do it here?
      you can have 寄养证 to be processed in china. much quicker and cheaper.
      • 其实麻烦.要父母双方的护照复印件,要委托书, 委托书还得做公证.
    • ▲▲■■ 谢谢Highlander的回复。■■另外,这个letter of authorization需要做公证吗?大概的格式是什么?有参考的样本吗?■■
      • Sorry, I was out of lunch. No need to certify.
        I made it up myself, but I don't have an electronic version. jus say you'd like to ask xxx, your kid's grandfater to travel alone the kid to xxx, and during the trip, grandpa has all the signing authority as you and your spouse.... Something like that. , Just specify the name and relationship correctly, and signed by both of you. That is.Nothing fancy
      • 给你个样本http://www.ppt.gc.ca/travel_tips/with_child_e.asp。我儿子刚走,好伤心呀。加行的人看了委托书和寄养证明,说是中国会查。
    • please come in
      Let me explain this way.
      1.Go to China
      2. go to 市、县公安局, 外馆处, get an offical 寄养申请 (it is printed and formatted already)
      3. bring the official 寄养申请, go to 公证chu办理委托人与国内受委托人的关系的公证
      4. after certified, go to 市、县公安局, 外馆处 again to show them the document togher with your signed 寄养申请
      5. pay money
      6. deal closed
      7. why bother to go to Chinese consulate here, which cost you at least a lot of time for the documentation.
      P.S. apply a visa from chinese consulate for the baby to entry into china
      • 谢谢回答!有一事不明白,在当地公安局拿的寄养申请要有委托人的签名,那要是只有我送孩子回去,岂不是还要先寄到加拿大让老公签字后再寄回去?
        • your sigature is fine, it is not necessary to have your spouse's sigature
          you and your 委托人 sign in front of the 公证人
          • 多谢!看来还是回国办好些。
            • In order to make sure
              you can ask your relatives in china to go to or call local 公安局,外事处, get more detailed information there.

              办理在华寄养外籍儿童 in big cities such as Beijing, Shanghai please refer to #1365610.
      • 请问, 已入加籍的父母送孩子回国, 手续是不是也可以按你介绍的这样办?