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From what you described, I think you need to find a private piano teacher instead of going to music schools for your daughter. There are different kind of examinations and competitions for piano education in Canada, they are:
(1) RCM Examinations, Chinese kids prefer to attend this kind of test.
After your kid passes RCM grade 10 and she is over 16 years old, she can be a piano teacher at home.
(2) Canadian Music Competitions: April to June
(3) Kiwanis Music Competitions: April.

My daughter is using "Celebration Series" (Level 3), "Technical is fun" etc.

About your daughter's level, as long as you find a piano teacher, she/he will know how your daughter goes.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 坛子里孩子学钢琴的父母们,请教一下在加拿大孩子学琴比较通用的教材有些什么?5岁的孩子一般会有什么样的水平?有没有考级的说法?
    • 5 years old is a little bit too early to start piano lesson. Find a private teacher if you are serious. Or your kid can go to Yamaha music school first. For piano level, check http://www.rcmexaminations.org/
      • 我女儿在北京不到4岁开始学琴,现在一年了,已经弹完了’小汤‘,现在在弹‘大汤’1,‘拜尔,哈农’也弹了一多半了。老师说马上要弹‘车尔尼’。我女儿自从学钢琴以来,双手的配合,手指的灵活程度都好多了。
        • 你这个,要找的好像是老师不是学校。去你家附近社区中心、艺术中心打听一下吧。
        • 加拿大有不少钢琴学校。还是分级学习。你的宝贝可以先去试一下看是几级的水准,再一级一级的弹上去就行了。好像是到11级为止,7级还是8级的时候就可以教钢琴了。
        • 谢谢分享你孩子学琴的经历。我正琢磨是不是该给孩子请老师了。你的帖子给我了启发。
          • can you read full message of puppupuppy? why can't I? when i click the title, i got error message...
            • 又点了一下,没问题,可以看。倒是ROLIA的原创作品连接还没恢复。也好,省下SHOW的诱惑,又改回手写札记,不怕电脑故障和板砖了:)
    • 这里好像没有通用的教材。我的孩子五岁开始在雅马哈音乐学校参加集体培训,音乐兴趣和基本乐感得到了培养。朋友的孩子六岁请钢琴老师单独授课,艺术水平得到了开发。有考级之说。(雅马哈说,孩子学琴应从四岁开始)
      • 有考级的教材
    • Come in
      From what you described, I think you need to find a private piano teacher instead of going to music schools for your daughter. There are different kind of examinations and competitions for piano education in Canada, they are:
      (1) RCM Examinations, Chinese kids prefer to attend this kind of test.
      After your kid passes RCM grade 10 and she is over 16 years old, she can be a piano teacher at home.
      (2) Canadian Music Competitions: April to June
      (3) Kiwanis Music Competitions: April.

      My daughter is using "Celebration Series" (Level 3), "Technical is fun" etc.

      About your daughter's level, as long as you find a piano teacher, she/he will know how your daughter goes.
      • 多谢你的建议,再请问可以请到华人的钢琴老师吗?怎吗收费?
        • Yes. $10-20/half-hour for beginner