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CEO 是CORPORATION的傀儡,只要能为CORP赚利润,基本不会被炒鱿鱼。加拿大上届CEO-(Privy Council Clerk of Canada) Michael Wernick 被炒是是因为他在国会山说漏了嘴:
“February 20, 2019 – Privy Council Clerk of Canada (I named it as CEO of Corporation of the Nation of Canada) Michael Wernick : “I’m worried that somebody’s going to be shot in this country this year during the political campaign.”
Sep 14, 2019 – Liberal Leader of Canada Justin Trudeau “We respect the decisions made by our professional public servants. We respect the decision made by the clerk.” when dogged by questions about why he won’t waive cabinet confidence to assist the RCMP’s probe into the SNC-Lavalin scandal.”

一言道出了CEO用两只手套管理国家,一只是合法手段(我称为【白手套】,另一只是【黑手套 - 暗杀】。


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / Boeing CEO Muilenburg终于被炒了。让大家感到意外的不是他被炒,而是为什么等了这么久才炒掉他。 +2
    • Former Boeing employees questioned why Mr. Muilenburg didn’t ground the MAX after the first crash in October 2018. Others said he shouldn’t be held accountable for the design of flight-control systems.
      Mr. Muilenburg wasn’t CEO at the aircraft’s genesis, but he was in charge for two years before the MAX entered service in 2017.
    • 本来想找印度人做个替罪羊,没成功。 +2
      • 还是accounting 的厉害,新的CEO accoungting 专业,私募大佬。
      • 应该推一个印度人当CEO
      CEO 是CORPORATION的傀儡,只要能为CORP赚利润,基本不会被炒鱿鱼。加拿大上届CEO-(Privy Council Clerk of Canada) Michael Wernick 被炒是是因为他在国会山说漏了嘴:
      “February 20, 2019 – Privy Council Clerk of Canada (I named it as CEO of Corporation of the Nation of Canada) Michael Wernick : “I’m worried that somebody’s going to be shot in this country this year during the political campaign.”
      Sep 14, 2019 – Liberal Leader of Canada Justin Trudeau “We respect the decisions made by our professional public servants. We respect the decision made by the clerk.” when dogged by questions about why he won’t waive cabinet confidence to assist the RCMP’s probe into the SNC-Lavalin scandal.”

      一言道出了CEO用两只手套管理国家,一只是合法手段(我称为【白手套】,另一只是【黑手套 - 暗杀】。

    • 没跟新闻吧?波音的试飞员16年就发现Macs的问题了,他们跟FAA撒谎说一切正常。这个事情10月份暴露了
      • 这事儿属于刑事案件了吧,fbi难道不应该介入调查吗?要是落实了我觉得判死刑不为过