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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛5 human scents that attract mosquitoes and how to make yourself less attractive to bugs

Have you ever felt like every mosquito within ten square miles comes buzzing straight for you as soon as you step outside? We are often asked why mosquitoes prefer some humans over others. Well, it all comes down to how good you smell (or bad, depending on your perspective).
Mosquitoes have very acute receptors in their antennae and heads that can detect human scents up to 100 feet away. Scents are one of the primary indicators mosquitoes use to identify their prey. It’s actually only female mosquitoes bite. The females need the protein found in blood to produce their eggs.
Some species have a preference for human blood like the Anopheles gambiae, which can carry and spread Malaria. Other species prefer bird blood, but most of them will accept any blood they can find. And we humans are big, slow and smelly targets that are easy to find.
Here are the top 5 human scents that attract mosquitoes and tips for minimizing your scent to these blood-thirsty pests.

5 human scents that attract mosquitoes

• Carbon dioxide – mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale, both the scent and the amount. There are many sources of CO2 in nature, so it isn’t just the carbon dioxide that attracts mosquitoes. Every time we exhale, we release chemicals like lactic acid, octenol, uric acid and fatty acids that combine with CO2 to form our own unique carbon dioxide cocktail. This combination of scents is what clues mosquitoes that there is a human target nearby. And some of these particular combinations are more attractive to mosquitoes. Additionally, the more CO2 we emit, the easier we are to recognize. The scent and amount of carbon dioxide you exhale is unique to you and your genetics, and unfortunately there isn’t much you can do to change your attractiveness other than mask your scent. Larger people exhale more CO2, which is why adults are more likely to be bitten than children. Pregnant women also exhale above average amounts and are therefore more attractive to mosquitoes.

• Body odor – Bacterial colonies combined with sweat generate that sweet (if you’re a mosquito) human scent we call body odor. Without the bacteria, our sweat would be odorless; with the bacteria, our sweat is one of the more attractive scents for mosquitoes, particularly the malaria-carrying Anopheles gambiae, which prefers to bite humans. There are measures you can take like washing regularly to reduce body odor; however be careful of fragrant perfumes and scents that can also draw mosquitoes. Fresh sweat is not as attractive because it has not combined with bacteria.

• Secretions – About 80% of us are “secretors” or people who secrete compounds known as saccharides and antigens through their skin and indicate blood type. Mosquitoes are magnets for secretors. Once again, your classification as a secretor or non-secretor is determined by your biology and there isn’t anything you can do to put yourself in the non-secretor category.
• Blood type – Depending on the type of blood you have, you secrete different scents. Studies have shown that mosquitoes are most attracted to Type O blood and least attracted to Type A. No changing your blood type either.

• Lactic acid – Lactic acid is emitted through your skin when you are active or eating certain foods. Mosquitoes are more attracted to people with a greater build-up of lactic acid on their skin. You can reduce lactic acid by washing with soap after exercising and thoroughly drying.
Scent is the primary indicator for mosquitoes that a human target is within striking distance. There are also other indicators like body heat, moisture, movement and color that attract mosquitoes’ highly attuned receptors.

How to minimize your mosquito-attracting scents and repel mosquitoes

Aside from washing regularly to reduce bacteria and lactic acid build-up from your skin, most of the human scents that attract mosquitoes are unique to us and unalterable. Now for the good news: You can mask your human scent and with insect repellents like Mosquitno. Mosquitno wristbands and Spotz stickers are infused with citronella oil, which works by effectively masking human scents and making you appear no more useful than a bloodless plant. Best of all, Mosquitno is all-natural and is as easy as slipping on a bracelet or a sticker. There are no sticky, toxic bug sprays to add to your bug worries. We want you to enjoy the outdoors naturally bug-free.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 我们去野睡 +2

    这个国庆假期我们去Camping了,群里的小伙伴们戏称野睡,野地里睡觉听着怪刺激吧,别想歪了不是打野战哦(^_-), 就是带上帐篷和一切物资供给,还有我们的娃儿们,到大自然里到山水间宿营。









    • 这里不会上传视频,群友拍的视频很精彩,放微信公众号上了
      • 群友有啥稀奇,群P就有人看了。 +2
    • 呵呵,在北美若没去看瓶野睡过的经历可能也算是一种遗憾.....俺家带着孩子曾去过多次看瓶,有时独自一家,有时和一两家或好几家,或悠哉远逛,或浩浩荡荡,各有其乐,其中妙趣一言难尽,有空再码字细表....
    • 楼主腻害。再普通的事也能写成暧昧 style。 +4
      • Haha
    • 野营和野睡,不是一样的吗?这标题党 😂 文字写得好,赞 +2
      • 楼主是两性版网红,当然三句不离本行了.... +5
    • 挺好的一个正经姑娘,非要把自己装扮成风尘仆仆,可是骨子里又不甘心低落,哪怕在世俗里也要俗的清高。 +8
      • 人世间有百万种活法,找到自己的活法就行,管他人作甚?👀
    • Camping最不能忍受的就是蚊子! 我特别招蚊子,浑身喷off照样被咬得体无完肤😭
      • When I went camping, there were always someone else who were more attractive to mosquitos. So I was always spared from the bites. :)
        • 老大,自己看看你到底招惹了蚊子什么,那么不待见你
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛5 human scents that attract mosquitoes and how to make yourself less attractive to bugs

          Have you ever felt like every mosquito within ten square miles comes buzzing straight for you as soon as you step outside? We are often asked why mosquitoes prefer some humans over others. Well, it all comes down to how good you smell (or bad, depending on your perspective).
          Mosquitoes have very acute receptors in their antennae and heads that can detect human scents up to 100 feet away. Scents are one of the primary indicators mosquitoes use to identify their prey. It’s actually only female mosquitoes bite. The females need the protein found in blood to produce their eggs.
          Some species have a preference for human blood like the Anopheles gambiae, which can carry and spread Malaria. Other species prefer bird blood, but most of them will accept any blood they can find. And we humans are big, slow and smelly targets that are easy to find.
          Here are the top 5 human scents that attract mosquitoes and tips for minimizing your scent to these blood-thirsty pests.

          5 human scents that attract mosquitoes

          • Carbon dioxide – mosquitoes are attracted to the carbon dioxide we exhale, both the scent and the amount. There are many sources of CO2 in nature, so it isn’t just the carbon dioxide that attracts mosquitoes. Every time we exhale, we release chemicals like lactic acid, octenol, uric acid and fatty acids that combine with CO2 to form our own unique carbon dioxide cocktail. This combination of scents is what clues mosquitoes that there is a human target nearby. And some of these particular combinations are more attractive to mosquitoes. Additionally, the more CO2 we emit, the easier we are to recognize. The scent and amount of carbon dioxide you exhale is unique to you and your genetics, and unfortunately there isn’t much you can do to change your attractiveness other than mask your scent. Larger people exhale more CO2, which is why adults are more likely to be bitten than children. Pregnant women also exhale above average amounts and are therefore more attractive to mosquitoes.

          • Body odor – Bacterial colonies combined with sweat generate that sweet (if you’re a mosquito) human scent we call body odor. Without the bacteria, our sweat would be odorless; with the bacteria, our sweat is one of the more attractive scents for mosquitoes, particularly the malaria-carrying Anopheles gambiae, which prefers to bite humans. There are measures you can take like washing regularly to reduce body odor; however be careful of fragrant perfumes and scents that can also draw mosquitoes. Fresh sweat is not as attractive because it has not combined with bacteria.

          • Secretions – About 80% of us are “secretors” or people who secrete compounds known as saccharides and antigens through their skin and indicate blood type. Mosquitoes are magnets for secretors. Once again, your classification as a secretor or non-secretor is determined by your biology and there isn’t anything you can do to put yourself in the non-secretor category.
          • Blood type – Depending on the type of blood you have, you secrete different scents. Studies have shown that mosquitoes are most attracted to Type O blood and least attracted to Type A. No changing your blood type either.

          • Lactic acid – Lactic acid is emitted through your skin when you are active or eating certain foods. Mosquitoes are more attracted to people with a greater build-up of lactic acid on their skin. You can reduce lactic acid by washing with soap after exercising and thoroughly drying.
          Scent is the primary indicator for mosquitoes that a human target is within striking distance. There are also other indicators like body heat, moisture, movement and color that attract mosquitoes’ highly attuned receptors.

          How to minimize your mosquito-attracting scents and repel mosquitoes

          Aside from washing regularly to reduce bacteria and lactic acid build-up from your skin, most of the human scents that attract mosquitoes are unique to us and unalterable. Now for the good news: You can mask your human scent and with insect repellents like Mosquitno. Mosquitno wristbands and Spotz stickers are infused with citronella oil, which works by effectively masking human scents and making you appear no more useful than a bloodless plant. Best of all, Mosquitno is all-natural and is as easy as slipping on a bracelet or a sticker. There are no sticky, toxic bug sprays to add to your bug worries. We want you to enjoy the outdoors naturally bug-free.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 看来老大总是和体香浓郁的同伴一起......也睡 +1
          • 我是不得不向蚊子投降。没办法,怨爹妈啊。😁
      • Camping 最不能忍受的是脏厕所 +2
        • 从来不去也不想去野营⛺️。除非在我家后院搭上⛺️帐篷呆一会儿。
          • 每次都积极计划,住一天就够了。 +1
        • 越睡不着越想去卫生间~拿着手电筒在黑影里走~太练胆儿了:)
          • 😂,满天星光点点,浪漫的旅程。
        • 咱camping都没厕所,随便找个没人地方就可以施肥啦😁
          • 不怕蚊子咬PG?
          • 新卡收的野荠菜长得那么碧绿生青,都是有原因的。 +1
            • 扇着耳光让你吃进去:) +1
          • 不怕🐍咬屁股?
            • 饲蚊是小,吓破熊胆才是大
              • 这次camping二次碰到小蛇。
        • A型血:)
          • 真着急😣,又错了;)
    • 写得再好也不受感染太受罪 +4
      • 过了青春期还喜欢野营就匪夷所思了。 +1
        • Oh? LOL.
        • 人老❤️未老,camping还是很好玩的。
          • 同意,野睡很好玩哒
    • 想问一下你们帐篷前的那盏灯是干什么用的,是为了起夜方便?
      • 专业的人士来啦😄 那灯是为了拍照搞点儿气氛,你知道文艺青年一般都要个仪式感嘛:P
        • 看来你们确实不是为了去野营
          • 真的是去野营的好吧,不信你看我们公众号里的视频,为拍那些精彩瞬间摄影师手指头都被蚊子咬成了胡萝卜好不好!
            • 野睡可是你自己说的
    • 很是浪漫~
    • 很向往
    • 在camping site扎帐篷谈不上野睡,真正的野睡是multi-day hiking trip, 在野外没有camping site扎营,这个backcountry camping一般需要permit。
      • 同意,front country 可以睡,但不算野。
      • 人家玩的是情调,强调的是“睡”,你强调的是“野”,不是一个路子。 +1
        • 采野花的野
        • 玩得最高境界是极致无论玩什么,哎呀呀,用世俗和狭隘的思维木法子有共鸣呀😊
          • 丁丁是无趣理工男,不用理他 +2
            • 丁丁有没有趣你说了不算,我说了也不算,大家说了才算好吧!:p
      • 因为有娃们还达不到太野的程度,我们群里有野睡达人去美国的死亡谷野睡,不用搭帐篷,就铺一个睡垫,漫天的繁星和银河,野睡最高境界
    • 野睡可以,但不要睡野了,那就不好了。
      • 已然是一个柴禾妞儿野丫头了咋整!😔😔
        • 失去一颗树木得到一片森林?还是要相信爱情的。
          • 谢谢,我一直相信爱情哒 +1
    • 帐篷外的亮光应该是LED而不是蜡烛吧,要不很危险很不专业。 +1
      • 人家本来就没打算搞专业啊 +2
      • Led驱蚊灯,除了群主我不专业其他人都很专业
      • 公司同事周末去algonquin被蚊子咬回来了,公园退了钱。
    • 每次camping,我都深深觉得还是五星酒店更适合自己 +2
      • 所谓camping就是You Spend A Small fortune To Live Like a Homeless Person +1
        • 说得非常好,是我想表达的意思,看来深谙此道哦,想起了基奴李维斯,不懂他的人也许觉得他是乞丐




          最近基努·里维斯为了宣传自己的新片上了一档深夜脱口秀节目。因为在聊天中谈到了宇宙毁灭之类的话题,主持人 Stephen Colbert 出其不意地问了基努·里维斯一个问题:你觉得我们死之后会发生些什么呢?


















          新西兰女演员梅兰妮·林斯基(Melanie Lynskey)讲了自己在一个聚会上碰到基努·里维斯的经历:“内向的我们当时都站在角落里。我们谈起了动物,他问我有没有我的狗狗穿衣服的照片。我还真的有。虽然我和他只有那么一次简短的互动,但他看上去有一颗美好的灵魂。”










          “We don’t deserve Keanu Reeves.”


          “Keanu Reeves is too good for this world.”








          正像他的名字Keanu,在夏威夷语里这个词的意思是cool breeze over the mountains,“吹过山间的一阵清风”。







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    • 带上俺一起睡 +1
      • 下次一起睡 +1