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The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates for the fourth time this year.(文章引自“Finance.yahoo.com")

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates for the fourth time this year.

The Fed increased the target range for its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to a new band of 2.25%-2.5%, putting the Fed funds rate at its highest level since the spring of 2008. All ten voting members of the FOMC voted in favor of Wednesday’s decision.

In its statement, the Fed pointed to a labor market that has “continued to strengthen” and economic activity that is “rising at a strong rate.” The Fed did note the slowdown in private investment seen over the last several months, saying “business fixed investment has moderated from its rapid pace earlier in the year.”

Along with its latest policy statement the Fed also released an updated set of economic projections, which shows a downgrade in the Fed’s forecast for interest rate hikes next year.

Fed signals fewer rate hikes for 2019
The Fed’s latest dot plot now shows the FOMC’s median forecast calling for two rate hikes in 2019, down from three in September. Six members of the FOMC, however, see three rate hikes next year as appropriate.

The longer-run neutral rate of interest that is expected to sustain full employment and price stability also fell slightly in December, with the median FOMC forecast now indicating the neutral rate is 2.8%, down from 3% in September.

In late November, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell moved markets when he said the Fed funds rate was “just below” the range of estimates for the neutral rate of interest that allows the economy to sustain 2% inflation and full employment. That range of estimates has now come down, indicating the current cycle of interest rate increases is closer to its end than previously thought.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 工商经济 / The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates for the fourth time this year.(文章引自“Finance.yahoo.com") +4
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates for the fourth time this year.

    The Fed increased the target range for its benchmark interest rate by 25 basis points to a new band of 2.25%-2.5%, putting the Fed funds rate at its highest level since the spring of 2008. All ten voting members of the FOMC voted in favor of Wednesday’s decision.

    In its statement, the Fed pointed to a labor market that has “continued to strengthen” and economic activity that is “rising at a strong rate.” The Fed did note the slowdown in private investment seen over the last several months, saying “business fixed investment has moderated from its rapid pace earlier in the year.”

    Along with its latest policy statement the Fed also released an updated set of economic projections, which shows a downgrade in the Fed’s forecast for interest rate hikes next year.

    Fed signals fewer rate hikes for 2019
    The Fed’s latest dot plot now shows the FOMC’s median forecast calling for two rate hikes in 2019, down from three in September. Six members of the FOMC, however, see three rate hikes next year as appropriate.

    The longer-run neutral rate of interest that is expected to sustain full employment and price stability also fell slightly in December, with the median FOMC forecast now indicating the neutral rate is 2.8%, down from 3% in September.

    In late November, Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell moved markets when he said the Fed funds rate was “just below” the range of estimates for the neutral rate of interest that allows the economy to sustain 2% inflation and full employment. That range of estimates has now come down, indicating the current cycle of interest rate increases is closer to its end than previously thought.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 看一看,是先拉崩美国股市,还是先拉崩中国得房地产。只要有一方绷断,加息就会停,否则停的可能性不大! 就看双方经济体,哪个更有弹性?哪个比较脆弱? 这只是个人看法,本人非这方面专业人士! +5
      • 怕就怕这两还没崩呢, 加拿大先崩了 +4
        • 加拿大不是美联储的加息目标,拉崩了,也是”副产品“,不会影响美联储继续向上”拉“升利率。 以上只是本人个人看法,本人不是这方面专业人士,特此声明! +3
          • 其实简而言之,就是加息缩表的节奏一定要视美国经济的状态和走势进行调整,确保别像2008年那次,还没拉崩别的国家,先把美国自己的房地产拉崩了!所以,至于2019年加几次息,这取决于2019年的美国,和中国的经济走势!关于这点,中美经济学家,和中美决策层应该都心知肚明。 +3
        • 可能性很大. +2