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出租房的邻居 complain 租客(黑人一家)有噪音,且吸大麻,

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我发message给租客,立即就给我回了message,一点不认可,和她当面讨论也不高兴,让我把她的message转给邻居,我很犹豫,怕转过去引起争执。

Dear Landlords of 278 Rumble Ave., we live next door and would like to issue a complaint regarding your tenants. There is constant noise from your house. We hear very loud yelling during the day and at night. There is also a strong stench of marijuana that is carried over into our backyards. Please resolve these issues as soon as possible to prevent this issue from escalating. Thank You, your Neighbours.


Hello just received your message and would respond to it
1. There is no noise coming from this house day and night, noise enough to cause a disturbance
2. I do not smoke marijuana and as of next month marijuana is legal in this country
You can send this message back to the sender. If u believe we are doing anything illegal here call the police that's their right
When the said neighbors is doing his barbecue in his backyard it is also offensive to me what do I do send him a message to stop. He needs to learn to live alongside people or move to the jungle更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 房东 / 出租房的邻居 complain 租客(黑人一家)有噪音,且吸大麻,
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我发message给租客,立即就给我回了message,一点不认可,和她当面讨论也不高兴,让我把她的message转给邻居,我很犹豫,怕转过去引起争执。

    Dear Landlords of 278 Rumble Ave., we live next door and would like to issue a complaint regarding your tenants. There is constant noise from your house. We hear very loud yelling during the day and at night. There is also a strong stench of marijuana that is carried over into our backyards. Please resolve these issues as soon as possible to prevent this issue from escalating. Thank You, your Neighbours.


    Hello just received your message and would respond to it
    1. There is no noise coming from this house day and night, noise enough to cause a disturbance
    2. I do not smoke marijuana and as of next month marijuana is legal in this country
    You can send this message back to the sender. If u believe we are doing anything illegal here call the police that's their right
    When the said neighbors is doing his barbecue in his backyard it is also offensive to me what do I do send him a message to stop. He needs to learn to live alongside people or move to the jungle更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 哎,你胆子还是有点大哈。:-) 要不不管, 直到邻居报警,让警察和你的租客说去? +2
      • 这是正确思路
    • ... +4
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛To Neighbors:

      Thank you for letting me know of what you heard and saw. As a normal landlord, my hands are tied if the noise level is below lawful threshold and marijuana is indeed legal at present time.

      I will mediate this situation as much as I can by either giving them incentives or to trigger their guilt system. I will check back in a bit later to see if there are any changes. Thank you for your understanding and patience.

      To tenants:

      After long day work, I am pretty sure you are tired, in the same way as neighbors are. I would appreciate if you can reduce your volumes as you can. Exactly like you said, we live in a collective environment. You require them to live along with you, on the other hand, you may want to live along with them as well.

      I would offer a 5% rent discount if you are able to make slight changes by reducing voice volumes and reduce your usage of marijuana, if the neighbors are satisfied with your changes You don't like city officials to knock on the door to check compliance of city ordinance, nor do I.

      Let me know how this sounds and I look forward to working this out with you.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 赞👍情商和手段,如果我是这个房东,我会接受
      • 你这减5%的房租,就是鼓励下次再惹点麻烦的奖励品。 +11
        • 要是房客见天不要脸,楼主是傻子啊,还继续租。 +3
          • 赶不走的啊,降了更不走了。 +8
            • 在安省房价降了就再也升不上来了。5%相当于三四年的合法涨幅了吧。碰到问题房客只能涨房租,如何能降呢? 降到比周围房子都便宜那租客就永远把你那儿当家住下去了。lease到期有木用,房客想住下去就可以永远的住下去。 +5
              • 老猫 jumped to the right path. +3
      • 红萝卜+大棍, 哈哈。:-)
        • 嗯,能拖一阵是一阵,等人明白要开始发作了,估计房客 lease 也差不多到了。
          • 就怕lease 到了,房客要走又不走,反复几次那就难受了。我最近就碰到,可能也是8月水星+火星逆行的能量吧。 :-)
            • 烂房客是心中永远的痛。
            • 估计房客在市场上一看,发现房租都太高了,想走也走不了。
    • 惨了,政治不正确
    • 1, 开始走正式LTB的N5程序, 理由就是邻居的信。跟租客说你的手是tied的,没办法,给她7天改正,让她和邻居直接沟通;你的目的不是为了马上驱赶,而是为了留证据为以后可能发生的事情;

      如果邻居还不满意,而且事情有进一步升级的迹象,建议你去买个acoustic meter, 能测声倍的,留给你邻居,让她在录音录像的同时启动仪器,录下来当时的记录,记住录像要包括当时的情况,准确时间,和当时仪器的读数。

      • 正确!不过我可能会等到邻居多一次抱怨,而且也会确认抱怨属实先。
        • 那个房客有问题 - 我觉得需要尽早。大麻并非玩笑事,而且房东能做的不多。借邻居抱怨,开始启动程序吧。
          • 也对。关于大麻,如果抱怨家里有未成年人,影响健康,也许可以作为反对理由?
            • 能用吸烟有害健康来阻止旁边独立屋的邻居在后院吸烟吗? 恐怕不容易。大麻现在是等同于香烟的,而且政府说危害还小于香烟。 +3
          • 你不是支持大麻合法化的吗?
            • 谁说的? 纯粹是造谣
              • 不好意思,记错了,道歉
                • 不客气
      • 我想起了华君武的漫画打酱油
    • 这个不容易解决,ltb很少因噪音驱逐房客的,只能拖,
      • 会的,要录音,有人证更好。
        • 不可能驱逐的,连condo的租户都无法被驱逐,condo管理公司可以去法庭告,罚款,然后把罚款给collection agent破坏信用,仅此,
    • 请神容易送神难
    • 是经纪帮你找的租客吗? +2
    • 看样子你和你出租房的邻居比较熟,你只能和他道歉一下。别的说老实话你什么也做不了。 如果邻居想起诉你租客的话,那随他吧, 道理上讲,那些事和你无关, 也不需要你做什么。
      • 没有做错。为什么要道歉?难道确实做错了,所以需要道歉?
        • 人之常情了,就是要保持一个人际关系,没别的。当然不道歉也是没问题的。
    • 这个事情弄大了,你可能会被city告的。除非你尽了房主的义务。把投诉转告房客是必要的。最好的方法就是原文转抄, copy。并要求房客降低噪音。你的权利不多,但要求还是可以提的。
      • 你把两件事弄混了。首先这件事弄得再大,也和房主没关。 只要房子没有安全问题,city是找不到房主的。 另外邻居的投诉也是找错人了,他应该直接向city 投诉而不是找房主。 他能找到房主,所以我猜他和房主比较熟。
        • 向city投诉或者告到法庭,万一房客一搬走,所有费用都得由房东出。
          • 细说说,告什么?
            • 精神损失,健康损失,这些都是无底洞啊
        • city能找到房主。房主有义务为邻居提供可享受的环境。如果房主不能证明自己尽了义务,那么就麻烦了。邻居确实是直接向city投诉,房主的麻烦也从这个时候开始了。到了city那里,诉讼成功是业绩。你说city会这么做?
          • 简单点说,房客拉的屎都得owner来清理。 +1
    • LTB相关论坛上的一些讨论。我的理解是,虽然房东无法为房客的行为负责,但需要有证据显示房东在得知自己房客有违反lease, bylaw, 或者收到formal complaints 后,执行了房东应该履行的责任。否则有可能也成被告。 +1