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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛watching the illegal boarder crossing crisis developing, I was surprised to learn that you and hundreds of my fellow Chinese Canadians stood up in front of Markham Civic Centre to voice your concerns. I was surprised because Chinese is known as “silent and passive”. Then instantly I felt sad.

Shouldn’t our elected government treat Canadians wellbeing as first priority? Shouldn’t they have known that majority of us are legal immigrants who abides the law and would like everyone to follow the rules? The answers lie in the following facts.

Justin Trudeau’s hashtag #welcometocanada was literally the summon of illegal border crossing.
Even after pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into this crisis, this government still has no sustainable plan to deal with it.
Knowing the illegal boarder crossers were not coming from war-torn country, knowing people is abusing the system using “anchor relatives “ technics, the government still keeps the de-facto open borders. Meanwhile, they don’t hesitate to label people who criticize them as “uncanadian” or “racist”.
So for me, it’s very clear that this is not the government I wanted, it’s not my government.

At same time, I know you and the hundreds of people attended the rally are one of us. And I am one of you. I know it when you were not afraid to standup to voice our concerns. I know it when you yelled with all your strength: “we love Canada”. Yes, we didn’t come here to stay, we came here to live, to raise our children. This is our home now!

I may not in full agreement with you in every single little details, but I am in 100 percent agreement with you this country deserves better government and we deserve better treatment. We may not speak perfect English, but it doesn’t invalidate our love to this country. We aren’t just a bunch of taxpayers whose sole power is to pay the tax. We have our demands and our demands will be answered.

Regrettably, you decided to withdraw from mayoral race. However, as you have put it, the effort you and the hundreds of fellow Chinese Canadians put up was not wasted unnoticed. With that, please accept my wholehearted gratitude.

I will see you in the voting booth. I will see you in the next petition. I will see you in the street canvassing.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 给吕善华女士和那天抗议的人们(请转给他们)我自己写的 +23
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛watching the illegal boarder crossing crisis developing, I was surprised to learn that you and hundreds of my fellow Chinese Canadians stood up in front of Markham Civic Centre to voice your concerns. I was surprised because Chinese is known as “silent and passive”. Then instantly I felt sad.

    Shouldn’t our elected government treat Canadians wellbeing as first priority? Shouldn’t they have known that majority of us are legal immigrants who abides the law and would like everyone to follow the rules? The answers lie in the following facts.

    Justin Trudeau’s hashtag #welcometocanada was literally the summon of illegal border crossing.
    Even after pouring hundreds of millions of dollars into this crisis, this government still has no sustainable plan to deal with it.
    Knowing the illegal boarder crossers were not coming from war-torn country, knowing people is abusing the system using “anchor relatives “ technics, the government still keeps the de-facto open borders. Meanwhile, they don’t hesitate to label people who criticize them as “uncanadian” or “racist”.
    So for me, it’s very clear that this is not the government I wanted, it’s not my government.

    At same time, I know you and the hundreds of people attended the rally are one of us. And I am one of you. I know it when you were not afraid to standup to voice our concerns. I know it when you yelled with all your strength: “we love Canada”. Yes, we didn’t come here to stay, we came here to live, to raise our children. This is our home now!

    I may not in full agreement with you in every single little details, but I am in 100 percent agreement with you this country deserves better government and we deserve better treatment. We may not speak perfect English, but it doesn’t invalidate our love to this country. We aren’t just a bunch of taxpayers whose sole power is to pay the tax. We have our demands and our demands will be answered.

    Regrettably, you decided to withdraw from mayoral race. However, as you have put it, the effort you and the hundreds of fellow Chinese Canadians put up was not wasted unnoticed. With that, please accept my wholehearted gratitude.

    I will see you in the voting booth. I will see you in the next petition. I will see you in the street canvassing.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 写得太好了,看了一半忍不住发帖赞,然后再把剩下的看完。 +6
      • 谢谢。我想让他们知道我感谢他们站出来说话,他们并不孤单。 +5
        • Markham这么多华人,有其他华人出来竞选市长吗? +2
          • 还有一个 Steven Chen +2
            • 我聊了一下很和气很接地气。总之,房价绝不能爆涨爆跌。
              • 我会找机会多了解一些
      • 谢谢
    • 写的非常好,通俗易懂,振奋人心,激发冲动,向你学习。 +4
      • 谢谢
    • 必须点赞! +4
      • 谢谢。我在手机上敲的。感谢你帮我细致的修正。可惜回复了就没法改了。
    • 稍微改几个 typo 啥的、已发PM +2
    • 这文章,和那18个华奸组织的声明相比较,完全是光明与黑暗的对比。。 +8
      • 18个政府公公 +5
      • 过奖,多谢!实在是觉得他们做出的努力不应该被人如此作贱。 +2
        • 嗯,百姓心里都有一杆称,投票站见;十月份,we the people 共襄盛举 +4
    • 谢谢楼主的行动。现在,没有“组织”的人想发声,需要勇气。 +2
      • 不用谢我,感谢那些人吧。希望这一次次的行动能吸引更多的同胞关心政治,学习政治,成熟起来。在全球化的浪潮中,无人能独善其身不受影响。 +3
        • Still, 你写了这个。而本人,习惯性一言不发,惭愧,准备改。 +1
    • 写得非常好! +1
      • 谢谢
    • 保守党议员为啥不出来支持?我要去问问Billy Pang +2
      • 好问题,大概是不同层级的政府各司其职吧。
    • 赞 先知先觉 的 有些中国人。 +5
      • 虽然不是很确定,不过我想我大概能猜到你后半句的意思。谢谢你的赞
    • 写得很好,可以发表了! +2
      • 谢谢。谬赞了,houseful 提醒,才发现太多错误了
    • 赞 ! 万锦市长用这种无耻的方式回应我们的民声,我们当时的参与者都非常沮丧,难道这就是加拿大政治? +3
      • 先谢谢你们!对于你的问题,我觉得有两个可能的答案。一,他是在打压潜在的竞争对手。二,加拿大的政治从来就不是真正的言论自由,有一条线叫做政治正确。这第二条是个很大的话题,找时间我写写我的管中窥豹。 +3
        • 客气了,静候大作 !
      • Markham这个词拼错是不应该的。与其沮丧,不如吸取教训。民主国家,没“父母官”这事。你能发出反对意见,触动他利益,他当然能反驳了。
        • 如果把自己当小孩,指望父母官褒奖的,永远不会得到别人尊重。话糙了点,不过是对事不对人。 +1
        • 不是说词拼错的问题,是说他不思悔过,反而用"18个华人团体发声明支持万锦市长挺难民" 这总卑劣手段回应市民的声音。 +1
          • 他用歧视华裔的言论,来转移安置非法偷渡的行为。 +1
      • 华人没有经验,所以更要锻炼参与
    • 坚决顶,华人决不是待宰的羔羊,大家需要明辨是非,不要被这些政客玩弄于股掌之间, Frank外表和蔼,内心真没有把这些抗议者当回事。 +2
      • 谢谢。
    • 感谢楼主支持!刚刚看到群友转过来的文章,特别温暖,赶过来回复。谢谢🙏 +2
      • 赞👍勇于行使自已的民主权利! +1
      • 谢谢你们这样的行动派!talk is cheap, actions are priceless。先行者从来都要经历各种从未设想过的困难和挫折,尤其对我们这样的移民来说。我会和你们一样,继续支持和鼓励华人的参政议政行动。 +1