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Symptoms of rabies in humans

Symptoms of rabies in humans
In adults, signs of rabies will usually appear within 2 to 8 weeks of exposure. In rare cases, it can take one year or longer for signs to appear but this depends on where you were bitten, how bad the bite was and the strain of rabies.

Early symptoms of rabies may include:

numbness around the site of a bite
feeling sick
Later symptoms of rabies may include:

itchiness around the site of the bite (even after it’s healed)
muscle spasms
fear of air gusts (aerophobia)
fear of water (hydrophobia)
difficulty breathing
Once symptoms of rabies begin to appear, the disease is almost always fatal.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 从spca领养的猫猫没有打过狂犬疫苗针,三个星期前被她咬破手,有流血,现在还有没有补救办法,请有经验的给我一些建议。谢谢 +1
    • 你的猫多大了?一般来说领养前就打过了。宠物有狂犬病的几率很小,如果是室内猫基本没听说过。 +2
      • 猫猫是流浪猫,没有打过狂犬疫苗针,从spca领养的,不知道为什么她们没有给她打过针,只是做了绝育手术,已经14个月了。
    • 狗是10天,过了10天狗没问题,被咬的人也没问题。
    • 写遗嘱first
    • 看运气了。据说狂犬病潜伏期是几年。 +1
      • Symptoms of rabies in humans
        Symptoms of rabies in humans
        In adults, signs of rabies will usually appear within 2 to 8 weeks of exposure. In rare cases, it can take one year or longer for signs to appear but this depends on where you were bitten, how bad the bite was and the strain of rabies.

        Early symptoms of rabies may include:

        numbness around the site of a bite
        feeling sick
        Later symptoms of rabies may include:

        itchiness around the site of the bite (even after it’s healed)
        muscle spasms
        fear of air gusts (aerophobia)
        fear of water (hydrophobia)
        difficulty breathing
        Once symptoms of rabies begin to appear, the disease is almost always fatal.
    • 你去医院或兽医处问问打针的事,动物工作人员很多都会打。