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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

车里等两小时算啥,看看这个:因为“礼品节前100名sportinglife 顾客得$50礼品卡”,于是。。。。。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Oh boy was Sporting Life Markville quite an experience. My winter jacket got ripped so I went to line up for the $50 gift card/50% off to use on a new jacket. Arrived first thing at 5AM sharp in the morning, there were already 50-70 people lining up outside the mall entrance. By 5:20 line was already doubled to 150, so I was good but there goes the gift cards, right?

Nope, at 5:40ish apparently security unlocked the South entrance first instead of the South-east Entrance where we were at (closest to Sporting Life store) and someone there told another leading to a chain reaction of everyone running 100m to the South entrance to get a spot inside the mall. Whoever ran the fastest and got there first moved up, which sucks for those who actually came the earliest to line up. No idea what genius thought it was fine opening the far away entrance instead, I'm pretty sure people tripped and fell during that stampede. Then again maybe security didn't know or care. Quite literally survival of the fittest.

By 7AM the line was from front of store to mall entrance plus it wrapped around, so yea maybe 300-500 people.

The gift card doesn't state any expiry so I would assume it would last forever, but better to use it during the sale. Despite lackluster of boxing day deals this was worth lining up for更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下家园 / 我爱我车 / 节礼日的停车大战 +2
    • 你是新移民吧。。。 +11
      • 请多指教 +2
        • 老移民没精神头去凑热闹了。 +10
          • 老移民知道修车都多少钱 +3
    • 车里等两小时算啥,看看这个:因为“礼品节前100名sportinglife 顾客得$50礼品卡”,于是。。。。。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Oh boy was Sporting Life Markville quite an experience. My winter jacket got ripped so I went to line up for the $50 gift card/50% off to use on a new jacket. Arrived first thing at 5AM sharp in the morning, there were already 50-70 people lining up outside the mall entrance. By 5:20 line was already doubled to 150, so I was good but there goes the gift cards, right?

      Nope, at 5:40ish apparently security unlocked the South entrance first instead of the South-east Entrance where we were at (closest to Sporting Life store) and someone there told another leading to a chain reaction of everyone running 100m to the South entrance to get a spot inside the mall. Whoever ran the fastest and got there first moved up, which sucks for those who actually came the earliest to line up. No idea what genius thought it was fine opening the far away entrance instead, I'm pretty sure people tripped and fell during that stampede. Then again maybe security didn't know or care. Quite literally survival of the fittest.

      By 7AM the line was from front of store to mall entrance plus it wrapped around, so yea maybe 300-500 people.

      The gift card doesn't state any expiry so I would assume it would last forever, but better to use it during the sale. Despite lackluster of boxing day deals this was worth lining up for更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • +1
      • 有句话怎么说的来着,要为五斗米折腰:)
      • 这些人太crazy,俺就不早起,慢慢悠悠的去了那天几乎没人想去的Lowes,轻轻松松拿到25块礼品卡,当然1月底前用完。哈哈
        • 原来前面那个人是你?。。。
          • 原来我后面的兄弟是你!也不打个招呼。。
    • 辛苦啦:)
    • 同情啊。在王庙经历过类似的,于是我再也不在boxing day去那里了。中东人有点犯规了。LOL
    • 记得哪位说不用抢车位出来走两步。。。 +2
      • 哪敢走两步,刚一上岸裤脚还浸着海水就被人认出来了。。。
    • 可以停对面的plaza,再不济就外面的CT。总好比你等2个多小时,走几步就行了,非要这么懒
      • 早就想到了,CT门口还有南侧的商区都有警车,问你到哪里去,不在此购物的全部禁入。