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Hi,found, come in please

I will go to York this Fall to pursue full time MBA study. My problem is that I still cannot get a positive response of school about the campus residence, since I applied for it at the end of May. I am living with my wife in downtown now and I do think living in campus will greatly benefit my study. At first I only applied for one-bedroom. Knowing the difficulty of application, I enlarged my application scope to all kinds of housing including bachelor and two-bedroom. According to your experiences, do you think it is possible for me to get approved in this September. Thank you very much.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 请问住 North York的朋友,one bedroom的住房现在大概多少钱?谢谢!
    • 我住North York,但是是学校的residence. 一般外面的公寓大概八九百巴。
      • 谢谢!再请进!
        Hi found
        你现在是不是住在one bedroom的 apartment ? 你现在住的区有很多好学校,是吗?
        • PingPang, come on in!
          I guess York is the only university there and I live therer. I'm not so sure about high schools and their residences. Yes I live in a one-bed room with rate:$669 per month but it jumps 2% more every September. THere're apartments for rental around the campus with rate around $900 I guess. You may want to try your luck in these buildings cause it's summer and students are not coming en mass. Regarding campus residences, even students have to line up. Hope it helps.
      • Hou about the 2 bed-rooms apartment?
        • In my residence, it's arount $770 but it's going to be over $800 in two months. Commercial housing rentals would be more expensive (around $1000), but the apartment would be larger.
        • generally 100-200 more than one bdr.
          • Lazycat, can you give me your phone number?
            • I'll send to your email.
              • thanks, I'll check soon.
              • send to a12288@canada.com please.
                • send it again. You should refresh your message in rolia. :-)
      • 我将在9月份入住York的宿舍,请问两个问题: 1, 包家具宿舍里的家具会不会太旧? 2, York周围的小学哪一间最好?学校是不是在蛮乱的那个区? 谢谢!
        • Welcome! York has different residences...what is yours? There're highschools and elementaries schools near York but I'm not sure if they are the very good one...
          • 谢谢!我的房子是那种上下两层的penthouse,说有全套家具,但讲真话,非常害怕它的旧和脏。关于小学,在印象中好大学周围都该不错(至少我们这边的UBC就如此--每年排名在全省前五名),但好象york例外,真的担心学校的 环境!
            • I don't think them dirty or old...I dind't see them in the Penthouse...given that it's not in great demand like one- or two-bedrooms...they should be OK, at least for me...unless you are extremely...
              but the building is what you should worry about....the elevator, the corridor...sometimes smells...
      • mine is 950
      • Hi,found, come in please
        I will go to York this Fall to pursue full time MBA study. My problem is that I still cannot get a positive response of school about the campus residence, since I applied for it at the end of May. I am living with my wife in downtown now and I do think living in campus will greatly benefit my study. At first I only applied for one-bedroom. Knowing the difficulty of application, I enlarged my application scope to all kinds of housing including bachelor and two-bedroom. According to your experiences, do you think it is possible for me to get approved in this September. Thank you very much.
        • Hi, I'm planning to study at York too. Can we share the 2-bedroom apartment, if you could get one? euphoric@163.net
    • I'm living by Yonge, $1000/mo. It is less expensive if you go west.
      • 谢谢俩位!rollor 再请进,我还有些问题?
        Hi rollor
        你现在是不是住在one bedroom的 apartment ? 你现在住的区有很多好学校,是吗?
        • 关于north york 住房
          apartment 一房在1000元以上;
          • 同意。
          • what do think about this one-bedroom apt, which is 1km east to Kennedy & Eglinton interaction, 875/mo. thanks.
    • 我朋友刚在NORTH YORK CENTER 附近找到房,一般CONDO ONE BEDROOM 要1200-1300,APPARTMENT 要900左右,不过离YONGE 远一点可能会再便宜一点。GOOD LUCK。
      • Bayview 更贵。央以西会便宜些。
        • hi, could you advise which area around Yonge is better, and why the rent price there is so expensive than others? by the way, thanks.
          I take a look on a one-bedroom which is around 1km east to the Kennedy & Eglinton interaction,
          it's 875/mo, what do you think about it?
          • 各处有各处的好处。我之所以住YONGE/SHEPPARD,是因为这里上下左右往哪个方向走都非常方便,开车、乘地铁、坐公共均可。甚至换工作时也不用考虑搬家问题。如果你住在东边,到西边上班,就得考虑考虑了。
            • thanks.
      • 谢谢大家!!笛子,能不能问问你住 North York的朋友一些关于 小学,初中学校的情况?我听说有个好学校有小学也有中学,不知有没有 朋友知道这个学校?
        • 你问对人了,刚好听一个朋友讲过,在north york center 附近有很好的中学和小学,都是名校,中学就在north york center地铁站的东边,名字不记得了,小学在东北方向。不过里面大部分都是华人子弟,中国人比较重视教育。
          • 谢谢笛子!!
        • 中学是Earl Herg, 小学是Mckee public school.我儿子就在那儿上学。
          • Peter 谢谢!你能告诉你的 email,我们能联系吗?我还有一些关于小孩的问题想问 问你,十分感谢!!
            • 点mike2000就是我的e-mail,我会尽力而为!
              • Mike2000,请问收到了我的email吗?
                • 收到了,check your mail box.
                  • mike200, I received your email.Thank you very much.Isent you another email,please take a look.
    • one bedroom apartment, don mills and shepper, cad920/month.