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Lucille's Info...

I am already spayed, up to date with shots, good with dogs, and good with cats.
Lucille's Story...
DOB May 5th, 2017

Lucille is a happy go lucky kitten. She needs a lot of attention and would be best suited in a home with other animals. She spends hers days chasing around the other cat and the bunny in her foster home before snuggling up with her foster parents. She has a voracious appetite and is still learning manners surrounding not stealing food from people's mouths!

She loves to sleep on your head and burrow into your hair and neck. She loves to be petted but doesn't really like to be picked up. She'll let out a grumpy scream.

Lucille was found running down a highway and is happy to be safe and loved in her foster home and is so looking forward to finding her forever home.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 这只小baby猫真不错。有心人可以收养。 +1
    Lucille's Info...

    I am already spayed, up to date with shots, good with dogs, and good with cats.
    Lucille's Story...
    DOB May 5th, 2017

    Lucille is a happy go lucky kitten. She needs a lot of attention and would be best suited in a home with other animals. She spends hers days chasing around the other cat and the bunny in her foster home before snuggling up with her foster parents. She has a voracious appetite and is still learning manners surrounding not stealing food from people's mouths!

    She loves to sleep on your head and burrow into your hair and neck. She loves to be petted but doesn't really like to be picked up. She'll let out a grumpy scream.

    Lucille was found running down a highway and is happy to be safe and loved in her foster home and is so looking forward to finding her forever home.
    • 老猫,我在网上看到一篇文章,说好男不养猫,好女不养狗 +3
      • 那我显然不是好男, 从小养猫的时间比无猫的时间要多。
      • Otherwise....
        • 说猫会改变男人的个性,气质会变阴柔。女人养狗养久了,自然而然希望老公也像狗一般忠诚听话,呼来喝去。。。
          • 男人比不上狗的地方多了。
      • 第10 +1
        • 高个,年长,还喜欢摇滚乐的IT男最容易出轨
      • 证据来了。 +1
    • 猫是不是会上桌吃饭?steal food from peoples' mouth。。。。
      • 看你怎么训练了,我有时候就在桌子上喂猫,方便啊。还有,猫不会从人口中抢食,因为在食物送往口中的途中就将食物打到了地上 。。。 +1
      • 小时候在国内的猫确实从我嘴里抢吃的。这里的猫不会,都吃的很饱。
      • 我家的猫会上桌子,但不会吃任何东西,闻也不闻,鱼虾鸡等等一概不理,但是你给它,它也吃。它只认猫粮。它爱偷喝可乐。
      • 每只猫不一样,有的猫狠准快,有的猫只会吃放在头部以下地上和盆里的东西。你把东西放手上他都不知道怎么咬。
    • Hi, 老猫,如果要领养,是否要同时领养2只小猫?谢谢 +1
      • 建议一只一只来。猫其实比较独,不像狗狗。猫需要的是主人的陪伴。 +1
        • 我是想领养一只喵,但您给的那个网站好像要求同时领养2只小的喵。请问如何领养呢?
          • 如果放心的话kijiji, 另外老猫给的link有些猫是寄养在人家里的~~有些时候不那么方便去看
            不放心就到社区的Humane Society经常去看看,直到找到自己喜欢的~~那里的基本上到了4,5个月的猫,各种疫苗,除虫,绝育都做过了
      • 没养过,还是一个个来,,但我个人体会,养宠物,最好养2个,否则,太寂寞了。。