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汇报一下,综合各方面的资料,经过研究,投票给 #1 Brad Trost, #2 Maxime Bernier, #3 Andrew Sheer, #4 Kellie Leitch, #5 Erin O’Toole,#6 Pierre Lemieux,#7 Chris Alexander, #8 Lisa Raitt, #9 Steven Blaney, #10 Andrew Saxton

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛选前几位原因如下:

#1 Brad Trost:

Promises to lower payroll tax, income tax, and the capital gains tax (1)
Believes Canada should renegotiate NAFTA quickly and professionally to ensure Canada is prioritized over Mexico and China (1)
Would reduce the federal deficit by growing the economy, limiting government spending, working closely with the US, eliminating corporate welfare, and eliminating funding for the CBC (1)
Plans to negotiate with the provinces to eliminate trade barriers (1)
Believes TPP is dead, so Canada should focus on trade with traditional partners like Great Britain and Japan (1)
Supports Energy East to create jobs (2)
Promises to make use of Canada’s natural resources, including oil and shale gas, to grow the economy (2)
Believes immigration policy should be built on Canada’s economic needs (1)
Argues that Canada should select immigrants “who choose Canada, not those use Canada, so we can put Canada first” (1)
Would make immigration policy more local to allow regions to be flexible about foreign workers (2)
Promises to halt immigration from “pro-radical Islam” regions (3)
Plans to attract immigrants by growing the economy, and believes immigration will contribute to economic growth (2)
Believes Canada can integrate immigrants without large government spending if it uses private partnerships and accepts immigrants with ready-to-use skills (1)

#2 Maxime Bernier

Would make the first budget an “investment budget,” which would lower small business taxes, reduce corporate tax from 15% to 10%,
Promises to end corporate welfare, which he argues would save $16B/year and offset lost revenues from lowering taxes (1, 2, 3).
Would balance the budget by cutting and limiting government spending, and by privatizing airports and Canada Post (1, 2)
Believes immigration policies should be tied to the economic interests of our country (1, 3)
More resources should go to security screening agencies

abolish the capital gains tax (1, 2)
Believes the private sector should be the driver behind opportunities for new immigrants (3)

#3 Andrew Scheer

Would reject carbon taxes and payroll taxes as well as reduce corporate tax to attract international business (1, 3)
Promises to prioritize job creation by spending money at home instead of abroad, minimizing government spending, and stimulating the private sector (1)
Plans to implement an internal Free Trade Act to ensure that goods and skilled workers can move freely (1)
Supports TPP (1)
Believes Canada should put pressure on US industry to ensure the President agrees with free trade as well (1)
Supports pipeline construction to transport resources and create jobs (2)
Would prioritize Canadian workers over temporary foreign workers in times of high unemployment (2)
Argues that Canada should focus on security and the integration of immigrants (3)
Believes that immigration offsets Canada’s small population to help grow the economy (1,3)
Promises to fix immigration levels based on economic indicators of what Canadian society needs (1)
Would focus on ensuring that immigrants “embrace what makes Canada great” (1)
Plans to work with provinces and NGOs to assist in transitioning new immigrants (1)
Promises to close loopholes for illegitimate refugees to Canada from the US border (4)

Less experienced;

#4 Kelly Leitch
Cap government spending, grow private sector, reduce tax for middle low/income family;
Eliminate domestic trade barriers; Negotiate NAFTA;
Immigration policy to protect Canadian values;

Less detailed plans;
Abolish CBC ?


首先排除了Michael Chong, Depppak Obhrai, Kevin O'Leary。头两位支持或默认Motion 103;后面那位居然说过,你与山羊结合也无所谓,这种伦理观,与我相差甚远。

各候选人大致情况参考各位网友提供的信息,及如下网站:更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 汇报一下,综合各方面的资料,经过研究,投票给 #1 Brad Trost, #2 Maxime Bernier, #3 Andrew Sheer, #4 Kellie Leitch, #5 Erin O’Toole,#6 Pierre Lemieux,#7 Chris Alexander, #8 Lisa Raitt, #9 Steven Blaney, #10 Andrew Saxton +9
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛选前几位原因如下:

    #1 Brad Trost:

    Promises to lower payroll tax, income tax, and the capital gains tax (1)
    Believes Canada should renegotiate NAFTA quickly and professionally to ensure Canada is prioritized over Mexico and China (1)
    Would reduce the federal deficit by growing the economy, limiting government spending, working closely with the US, eliminating corporate welfare, and eliminating funding for the CBC (1)
    Plans to negotiate with the provinces to eliminate trade barriers (1)
    Believes TPP is dead, so Canada should focus on trade with traditional partners like Great Britain and Japan (1)
    Supports Energy East to create jobs (2)
    Promises to make use of Canada’s natural resources, including oil and shale gas, to grow the economy (2)
    Believes immigration policy should be built on Canada’s economic needs (1)
    Argues that Canada should select immigrants “who choose Canada, not those use Canada, so we can put Canada first” (1)
    Would make immigration policy more local to allow regions to be flexible about foreign workers (2)
    Promises to halt immigration from “pro-radical Islam” regions (3)
    Plans to attract immigrants by growing the economy, and believes immigration will contribute to economic growth (2)
    Believes Canada can integrate immigrants without large government spending if it uses private partnerships and accepts immigrants with ready-to-use skills (1)

    #2 Maxime Bernier

    Would make the first budget an “investment budget,” which would lower small business taxes, reduce corporate tax from 15% to 10%,
    Promises to end corporate welfare, which he argues would save $16B/year and offset lost revenues from lowering taxes (1, 2, 3).
    Would balance the budget by cutting and limiting government spending, and by privatizing airports and Canada Post (1, 2)
    Believes immigration policies should be tied to the economic interests of our country (1, 3)
    More resources should go to security screening agencies

    abolish the capital gains tax (1, 2)
    Believes the private sector should be the driver behind opportunities for new immigrants (3)

    #3 Andrew Scheer

    Would reject carbon taxes and payroll taxes as well as reduce corporate tax to attract international business (1, 3)
    Promises to prioritize job creation by spending money at home instead of abroad, minimizing government spending, and stimulating the private sector (1)
    Plans to implement an internal Free Trade Act to ensure that goods and skilled workers can move freely (1)
    Supports TPP (1)
    Believes Canada should put pressure on US industry to ensure the President agrees with free trade as well (1)
    Supports pipeline construction to transport resources and create jobs (2)
    Would prioritize Canadian workers over temporary foreign workers in times of high unemployment (2)
    Argues that Canada should focus on security and the integration of immigrants (3)
    Believes that immigration offsets Canada’s small population to help grow the economy (1,3)
    Promises to fix immigration levels based on economic indicators of what Canadian society needs (1)
    Would focus on ensuring that immigrants “embrace what makes Canada great” (1)
    Plans to work with provinces and NGOs to assist in transitioning new immigrants (1)
    Promises to close loopholes for illegitimate refugees to Canada from the US border (4)

    Less experienced;

    #4 Kelly Leitch
    Cap government spending, grow private sector, reduce tax for middle low/income family;
    Eliminate domestic trade barriers; Negotiate NAFTA;
    Immigration policy to protect Canadian values;

    Less detailed plans;
    Abolish CBC ?


    首先排除了Michael Chong, Depppak Obhrai, Kevin O'Leary。头两位支持或默认Motion 103;后面那位居然说过,你与山羊结合也无所谓,这种伦理观,与我相差甚远。

    各候选人大致情况参考各位网友提供的信息,及如下网站:更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 顶一个。我和你选的差不多一样。 +1
      • 类似地,我选了六个,和 LGBT大麻没界限的没选。下周寄出 +1
        • 应该选十个,尽量不给Michael Chong等最滥的人机会 +1
          • 好吧!reference yours.
    • 你们这样做,太不民主了吧?LOL
      • 切磋交流啦,又没人强迫。我的名单完全不同Andrew Sheer, Erin O’Toole第一第二
        • 我是开玩笑的。
        • 我把Andrew Sheer 放到后面去了。他是反华亲印的,反对与中国建立自由贸易,而要全面与印度搞好各方面关系。
          • 需要全面看待候选人,他的某些理念我们可以持保留态度。Andrew Scheer认为与中国的自由贸易会让中国国企长驱直入,给加国制造业带来灭顶之灾,这个是很现实的经济方面的考虑,而不是感情上的偏见。作为华裔,心系祖国可以理解,但作为加拿大人,首先要关心的是加拿大。
            • 那他跟印度建立自由贸易,就不怕印度企业长驱直入摧毁加拿大企业了?
              • 没关系的,都是民主国家嘛,你的就是我的,我的就是你的。
              • 因为中印两个经济实力完全不是一个量级。经济学界有不少人持这种观点,是出于对强势经济体的担忧而不是意识形态,觉得这种自由贸易不是对等的,就象中国改革开放之初被西方发达国家占大便宜
                • 当然从经济学的角度这种策略对加拿大经济是什么影响或有实际操作可能没有,恐怕也得摸着石头过河
                  • 的确如您上所述,印度与中国,对经济的影响差之千里。商店里的商品,很难见到印度货,基本上是中国货;同样的货,在加拿大的售价,比在中国的售价还要低,原因就是中国政府印钞票补贴出口企业,是称出口退税,所以中国货可以低价倾销给加拿大。全面放开,加拿大人只有饿死。 +2
                  • 经济涉及国计民生,需要的更多的是理智而不是感情。当年哈勃因为意识形态对祖国过于冷淡,出于对祖国的感情,以及对加国经济的考虑,本人曾写信给总理办公室,敦促他的政府增加对祖国的友好往来。尽管如此,我还是认为,友好应以有利于本国为出发点,而不是牺牲本国利益。
                • 那跟美国自由贸易呢?解释不通吧,我看就是个意识形态问题,跟哈八一个思维。 +2
                  • 用经济体量来说是把问题简单化,还有经济结构市场相互开放程度,贸易相互依赖性,地缘因素等等,对目前加中和加美对比性并不大。一定要比的话,可以看看加拿大对谁的贸易是顺差对谁是逆差?
                  • 而且加拿大也有很多人对美国的贸易中被美欺负十分痛恨,比如同样商品巨大价差,好一点的品牌被收购完了,这样的经历岂不是更增加了和强国打交道的疑虑?
                    • 不用否认意识形态上的考量,中国领事回国告别宴,自由党,NDP 议员都出席了,就是保守党全部缺席,傻子也能看出来了吧。人家老川可没这么牛。
                      • 谢谢你从“我看就是个意识形态问题”变成更客观地“意识形态上的考量”,喜欢意识形态的哪个党没有?但是后面的例子我不了解,有链接吗?
                      • 我到是有个例子,你google一下“FIPA”看看当年保守党顶住反对压力签了中加投资协定,被自由党骂卖国的时候,自由党是意识形态作祟吗?
        • hahahahah
      • 哈哈哈。。。。
      • 很好的自我检验机会,比较一下自己的选择跟最后结果,给自己的政商打个分。 +2
        • 选举是表达自己的意愿,以自己选择和结果是否相同来决定“政商”,那估计世界上只有有统一思想的地方的人政商合格了。 +2
          • 如果真是表达自己的意愿就不会出现火线入党,投票指南之类的事了。
            • 不矛盾吧,火线入党也只是为了能够表达自己的意愿,写投票指南的和大选时各党派上门拉票没啥两样,而要指南也只是希望对候选人的理解了解没有遗漏而已。 +4
              • 没见主流社会里拉票的告诉选民第一选谁,最后选谁的,很搞笑。
                • 主流社会拉票时说选我,不要选其他人。。。或者像上次某党说,不要选NDP分散票数,要集中选我。。。。LOL 。。。 +5
            • 其实只要是投票就是在表达自己的意愿。无论这个意愿最后是否是多数都应该是被尊重的。。。 +1
              • 但是作为个人,如果自己的意愿总是跟多数人的意愿有不小的差距,我觉得就省这份心吧,自己想当医生,总也考不上,难道一直考下去?人生短暂,不要太固执。
                • 黑人和女性在很长时间都被忽视,同性恋群体很长时间也不符合多数人的意愿,如果金博士们当初都想着省这份心吧,那现在的社会也会很是不同吧。 +2
                  • 赞大有爱心啊
                  • 普通人别把自己当毛泽东金博士。
                    • 我不觉着普通人在表达自己意愿的时候有比“精英”们更少的权利。如果普通人都这么想金博士们又怎么能得到支持而最终改变社会呢?。。。。这些不正是各位左派至少在名义上最应该支持标榜的吗? +4
                      • +1 赞
                      • 所以要学会看趋势,去支持上升的趋势,而不是去开倒车,你看对同性恋的认可就是个上升的趋势,对大麻合法化的认可在全世界也是个上升的趋势,金博士们最后取得成功,因为跟上了趋势,从对同性婚姻,大麻合法化的态度上可以看出保守党没有跟上趋势,所以出不了金博士。
                        • 请问您认为全球有绿化的趋势不? +1
                          • 没有
    • 多谢。这次入党事件多少唤起很多华人参与政治的热情。
    • 支持一下!
    • 感谢各位的关注,此帖的目的是分享一下个人的观点,仅供大家参考。华人因为历史原因,参与民主政治经验几近于零,还是希望大家多多参与、互相学习。感谢加拿大的民主制度,决定国家和社会的前途,也有我们应该做的一份。 +1
    • 还未投票的网友可以参考:录像 -- How to Vote by mail for the next CPC leader! 如何通过邮局投票 (选票1装入保密信封2封好;保密信封2,签名3,和身份证明复印件装入回邮信封4封好;邮寄出去,确保5月26日之前寄到)
    • 说是要5月26号前收到,到底什么时候寄出才好,还是亲自去投票才保险?
      • 尽早,我的经验是,寄国内平信需至少5个工作日。22日是假日,所以又少了一天。算一下,最晚下周三5月17之前就该送邮局信箱了,再晚,就有可能赶不上。
    • Kevin O'Leary 已经退出了竞选,不在考虑中了对不?
      • 选票上还有他名字
    • 我愿意27号亲自去投票,是周六,在650 Dixon Rd,Etobicoke 。可以提供car pool,免费。
      • 亲自投票应该是紧急情况,比如来不及寄出选票的情况下的一个投票方案.
    • 已经做好选择。很接近的人选啊。。明天寄出。谢谢。
      • 不客气,大家互相参谋。
    • 投票里的身份证是用驾照复印件吗?
      • 可以的。身份证明用以下两者之一均可:A)一个上有姓名、照片,和现地址的ID(如省驾照/省地区身份证);或者 B)一个有姓名和照片的ID(如健康卡、学生卡、护照),再加一个有姓名和地址的ID(如Bank Statement、Utility Bill, 学校信件)。(一律用复印件)
        • 谢谢。
          • 不客气