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刚刚给Iqra Khalid本人写了邮件,cc给了所有的MP和toronto star, mississauga news, cbc, the global and mail. 这样让所有mp和媒体看看这女人的选民如何反对她。

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear MP Iqra Khalid,

My name is John Smith and I am living in Erin Mills community. In 2015, I elected you to present us and show our voices at Ottawa. At that time, I didn't like Liberal Party, but I elected you. This was because I believed you were a smart and effective person who really loved our community and would use the power to present us and make our community better and better.

In these days, from news papers and internet, I learned about your Motion 103 which to condemn Islamophobia.According to Motion 103, the government is requested to:

(a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear;
(b) condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it; and
(c) request that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could
(i) develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia...
(ii) collect data to contextualize hate crime reports and to conduct needs assessments for impacted communities, and present its findings and recommendation within 240 calendar days...

After reading these sentences, I found I don't understand why you raised this motion. Raising such motion is totally wasting your time as a MP of Erin Mill community. The reasons are
1. "freedom of conscience and religion", and "freedom of association" are the fundamental rights of every Canadian, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
2. "Every individual", regardless of religion, "has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law", as stated by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
3. Hate crime is already written in the Criminal Code of Canada.

And, in your motion, you mentioned "Islamophobia" twice. Why do you only mention religion Islam? Is this because of your personal religion belief? As you know, Erin Mills community is NOT an Islam ONLY community. People who are living here have different religion beliefs, like Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and etc. According to Statistics Canada, in 2013 there were 326 police-reported hate crimes motivated by hatred of a religion or religious group. The hate-motivated crimes targeting the Muslim religion reported by police in 2013 is not of the biggest number, comparing to hate crimes targeting other religions.

About Islamophobia, as I mentioned above, in Canada, we already have enough methods to protect all people from fear of hate. I say ALL PEOPLE, it means Islamist are included. I discussed your motions with many of my friends who are living in Erin Mills community too. Almost all of them believe your purpose of the motion is to give additional benefit to the religion of your PERSONAL BELIEF. Do you have any evidences to prove that Islam is the largest victim of hate crime in Erin Mills community, or in Canada? If you do not have such evidences, we will question your purpose.

The most important concern that we have is your motion will hurt FREE SPEECH. As a human being, I have my rights to my own feelings, be it happiness, love, hate, and fear. The idea of the government manipulating my feelings, and suppressing the expression of my feelings just reminds me of fascism and communism, not a democratic Canada as a beacon of freedom and liberty respected by the whole world.

Honestly, before you raised your Motion-103, I believed elected you as my MP was a very right decision. However, if you cannot contribute your effort 100% for the community and keep doing a lot of useless things to waste your power got from us, we would not check your name again in next election.

Finally, please WITHDRAW YOUR MOTION-103.

Thank you,

John Smith, an Erin Miss voter更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
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  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 刚刚给Iqra Khalid本人写了邮件,cc给了所有的MP和toronto star, mississauga news, cbc, the global and mail. 这样让所有mp和媒体看看这女人的选民如何反对她。 +15
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear MP Iqra Khalid,

    My name is John Smith and I am living in Erin Mills community. In 2015, I elected you to present us and show our voices at Ottawa. At that time, I didn't like Liberal Party, but I elected you. This was because I believed you were a smart and effective person who really loved our community and would use the power to present us and make our community better and better.

    In these days, from news papers and internet, I learned about your Motion 103 which to condemn Islamophobia.According to Motion 103, the government is requested to:

    (a) recognize the need to quell the increasing public climate of hate and fear;
    (b) condemn Islamophobia and all forms of systemic racism and religious discrimination and take note of House of Commons’ petition e-411 and the issues raised by it; and
    (c) request that the Standing Committee on Canadian Heritage undertake a study on how the government could
    (i) develop a whole-of-government approach to reducing or eliminating systemic racism and religious discrimination including Islamophobia...
    (ii) collect data to contextualize hate crime reports and to conduct needs assessments for impacted communities, and present its findings and recommendation within 240 calendar days...

    After reading these sentences, I found I don't understand why you raised this motion. Raising such motion is totally wasting your time as a MP of Erin Mill community. The reasons are
    1. "freedom of conscience and religion", and "freedom of association" are the fundamental rights of every Canadian, according to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
    2. "Every individual", regardless of religion, "has the right to the equal protection and equal benefit of the law", as stated by the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms;
    3. Hate crime is already written in the Criminal Code of Canada.

    And, in your motion, you mentioned "Islamophobia" twice. Why do you only mention religion Islam? Is this because of your personal religion belief? As you know, Erin Mills community is NOT an Islam ONLY community. People who are living here have different religion beliefs, like Christian, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh and etc. According to Statistics Canada, in 2013 there were 326 police-reported hate crimes motivated by hatred of a religion or religious group. The hate-motivated crimes targeting the Muslim religion reported by police in 2013 is not of the biggest number, comparing to hate crimes targeting other religions.

    About Islamophobia, as I mentioned above, in Canada, we already have enough methods to protect all people from fear of hate. I say ALL PEOPLE, it means Islamist are included. I discussed your motions with many of my friends who are living in Erin Mills community too. Almost all of them believe your purpose of the motion is to give additional benefit to the religion of your PERSONAL BELIEF. Do you have any evidences to prove that Islam is the largest victim of hate crime in Erin Mills community, or in Canada? If you do not have such evidences, we will question your purpose.

    The most important concern that we have is your motion will hurt FREE SPEECH. As a human being, I have my rights to my own feelings, be it happiness, love, hate, and fear. The idea of the government manipulating my feelings, and suppressing the expression of my feelings just reminds me of fascism and communism, not a democratic Canada as a beacon of freedom and liberty respected by the whole world.

    Honestly, before you raised your Motion-103, I believed elected you as my MP was a very right decision. However, if you cannot contribute your effort 100% for the community and keep doing a lot of useless things to waste your power got from us, we would not check your name again in next election.

    Finally, please WITHDRAW YOUR MOTION-103.

    Thank you,

    John Smith, an Erin Miss voter更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 写得真好! -newrover(漫游); 15:19 (#10611959@0) +1
      • +1
    • 把名字改一改,再给她发一次,可以吗? 原来没有选她,今后更不会选她。
      • 楼主这封信分量很足,修改一下原文再寄可能更好。我也准备再写一封 +1
        • 赶着4点半下班,没办法了。
      • 你可以装作我的朋友,引用我的邮件发给她。
    • 顶一个!话说你那会儿真选她啦? +3
      • 认真你就输了~( ̄▽ ̄~)~ +2
        • 哎,难怪我经常输。你太耐使了,还先给她糖吃(ꈍᴗꈍ) lol
          • 上来就开撕的话,她根本就不会把信看完,先夸夸她,这样显得真。
            • 欺负人家不上rolia? :)
    • 写的不错。 只是这完全汉语语序的英文读起来还是有点意思啊。
    • Well done! +2
    • 支持你 +2
    • 意思表达得很好,赞!但真诚建议改一下语法和某些措辞会有更好效果,最好能请个关系好的老外帮忙改改。
      • 楼主写的很好,简单直接,切中主题,把这个议案的面具一把揭开,痛快啊痛快!作为选民,就该有啥说啥,只要不被人抓住什么把柄。大赞!!! +1
        • 谢谢你,用的你的模版加上一些个人演义。
          • 这并不重要,重要的是要把我们的观点表达出来让他们听到。做的好~!!!
    • 我也签名了。到底怎么回事还是比较清楚了。你这个邮件好像跟另外一个一样,是你写的还是抄的吧?嘿嘿。
      • 我用的alabra的文章为基础改的。
    • 写的很好,但估计不会理你的,因为人都是很任性的,她提这个之前就认定提案非常好了,想一封信说服她就不是民主社会了 +2
    • 写得非常好!令人担忧的是,小土豆已经一步步撕开伪装,露出了真面目。这个MP显然有他撑腰,才会如此肆无忌惮。我相信这一切都是蓄谋已久、精心策划的。谢谢你的努力 +11
    • 有MP TAN的回音没有? +1
    • 坦白地说,写这种文章给她是浪费彼此的时间:她大概会花10秒钟快速过一遍,然后把这份信放进recycle bin 里头; 而你也根本不用自作多情地指望她回复什么。其实很简单,下次你不要投她 +2
      • It's better than nothing. +8
      • 明白人! 牛能听懂弹琴吗? 给她就一个指头!
      • 你投票选出议员,就完成选民的任务,这个想法错了。必须睁大眼看看议员们在做什么,有什么顾虑一定要联系议员们,让他们听取选民的民意,这个是选民民主参政的常规工作。 +2
    • 支持。 做得好 +5
      • Well done. I will prepare one also.