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Vanilla Sponge Cake

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Makes 1 nine-inch-square cake
Use this cake to make the Tiramisu Ice Cream Cake. For the Watermelon Bombe, use a half batch of this recipe: Divide the batter between two six-inch-round layer-cake pans, and bake for thirty five minutes. Use one layer for the bombe, and freeze the second layer for later use.

Unsalted butter, for pan
1/2 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for pan
1/2 cup cornstarch
4 large eggs, separated
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
3/4 cup sugar
Pinch of salt

1. Heat oven to 350° Butter a 9-inch-square baking pan. Line pan with parchment paper, and butter again. Flour the pan, and set aside. In a small bowl, sift together flour and cornstarch; set aside.

2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat egg yolks, vanilla, and 1/2 cup sugar on high speed until thick and pale, about 5 minutes. Transfer the egg-yolk mixture to a large bowl. Wash and dry the mixer bowl and the whisk attachment.

3. Combine egg whites and salt in the mixer bowl, and beat on medium speed until whites hold soft peaks, about 1 1/2 minutes. With mixer running, slowly add the remaining 1/4 cup sugar. Continue beating until stiff and glossy, about 1 minute.

4. Fold the egg-white mixture into the egg-yolk mixture. In three additions, fold the reserved flour mixture into this new mixture. Transfer the batter to the pan, and smooth the top with an offset spatula. Bake until a cake tester inserted into middle comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack to cool; turn out the cake, and wrap it in plastic wrap until ready to use.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 真着急呀,为什么我烤的蛋糕每次都不是法起来,松松软软的,老公每次都笑曰:压缩饼干,帮帮我呀!
    • 记得一定要用电动的打蛋器,蛋清,蛋黄分开打。现在zellers有买的,才15块多。还有选好配方,就一定没问题啦。:)
      • 我用的就是打党器,可还是不行,难道是牛奶少,或是面多?帮我铁一个蛋糕秘籍吧。谢谢雁, 咦, 我的名字也有这个字。
        • FYI--
          From wenxuecity--

          from rolia--

          • 这个方里没有面,只是巧克力和coffee, 行吗?
            • 又加了几个,你再看看,选个好做的吧。俺也是新手,西西,正处于学习阶段,以上是俺找出的好吃易做的方子,你要是觉得哪个好,告诉俺一声吧,互相切磋。:)
              • 简单好做的香蕉蛋糕, 应该是比较好做的, 但是shortening 是什么呀?
                • shortening是酥油,做糕点常用的,俺也正在找哪儿有卖的。
                  • 妹妹,酥油在卖蛋糕粉,果冻粉的地方,用纸盒子包起来的,最简单的办法,把这些东西写在纸上,拿到超市里面,让卖东西的人帮你找,但一定要在西人超市。
              • 我有一个方法应该还可以

                第一, 你应该选择低面筋的面(你可以去买一种烤蛋糕的面"CAKE & pASTRY"这种面并不贵大概$2-3元件2.5KG, 这是一种PRE-SIFTED FLOUR 你也可以去买一些散装的试一下)
                第二, 你在搅拌面粉前,应先用打蛋器把黄油(黄油最好先加一下温, 但一定不能融化)打软,打散,然后加鸡蛋,糖,BAKEING POWDER,面等,你最后当你把所需要一起搅拌直到看上去有点象CREAM你用一支筷子在上面划一条线,而两边的东西不会马上流到一起就应该没问题了.

        • 好, 待我一一看来, 纯属个人意见, 学术探讨性质, 欢迎各位发言, 我刚才的蛋糕效果和这个Lemon Sponge Cake-柠檬蛋糕一样(second one ), 我想市一个毛病, 扁扁的,而且这个方sugar 太多。
        • 加一点玉米粉,有蓬松剂的作用。
          • 玉米粉加在面里吗?
            • 是。
      • 蜂蜜戚风蛋糕, looks very nice , will try.
      • 超级容易成功的蹄子海风蛋糕看来很好做, 不错不错,雁MM ZT 的 ,还有另一个问题, shortening 是什么呀?
    • Vanilla Sponge Cake
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Makes 1 nine-inch-square cake
      Use this cake to make the Tiramisu Ice Cream Cake. For the Watermelon Bombe, use a half batch of this recipe: Divide the batter between two six-inch-round layer-cake pans, and bake for thirty five minutes. Use one layer for the bombe, and freeze the second layer for later use.

      Unsalted butter, for pan
      1/2 cup all-purpose flour, plus more for pan
      1/2 cup cornstarch
      4 large eggs, separated
      1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
      3/4 cup sugar
      Pinch of salt

      1. Heat oven to 350° Butter a 9-inch-square baking pan. Line pan with parchment paper, and butter again. Flour the pan, and set aside. In a small bowl, sift together flour and cornstarch; set aside.

      2. In the bowl of an electric mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, beat egg yolks, vanilla, and 1/2 cup sugar on high speed until thick and pale, about 5 minutes. Transfer the egg-yolk mixture to a large bowl. Wash and dry the mixer bowl and the whisk attachment.

      3. Combine egg whites and salt in the mixer bowl, and beat on medium speed until whites hold soft peaks, about 1 1/2 minutes. With mixer running, slowly add the remaining 1/4 cup sugar. Continue beating until stiff and glossy, about 1 minute.

      4. Fold the egg-white mixture into the egg-yolk mixture. In three additions, fold the reserved flour mixture into this new mixture. Transfer the batter to the pan, and smooth the top with an offset spatula. Bake until a cake tester inserted into middle comes out clean, 35 to 40 minutes. Transfer pan to a wire rack to cool; turn out the cake, and wrap it in plastic wrap until ready to use.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 千万不要过多搅动~~~否则就是发不起来
    • 多加蛋,少加水。水多了就发不起来