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Donald Trump’s watching a lot of television, and it’s worrying his aides


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 社会政治 / 今年床总统应该被提名奥斯卡候选人,蛋。歌瑞尼(辛普森编剧)应该被提名普立撤奖。。 +5
    • 俺就喜欢看每天看黑川普的酸了吧唧的样子。。 +5
      • 多了去了,每天媒体都铺天盖地的,躲都躲不掉。。米式中餐:甜酸鸡。。又名左宗棠鸡? +3
        • 民调显示:川总的选民支持率升到57%了, +4
          • 你以前不是不信民调的吗? +5
            • 这是russ民调,又不是cnn,abc的民调 +2
          • I SEEEEEE, POLLS are for real NOW, not BEFORE... +6
            • 你see个屁,就你那点智商, +4
              • 好好学学说话哈,三岁娃娃都比你强的多。再骂一个好不好?就你这得行?话说不好,英文不会,天天歪基基基,一头撞墙算拉。。。 +1
                • 乖宝宝,好好说话。 +2
                  • To be honest you are way better than her. She is simply a disaster.
              • 哈哈哈。。。。。。。有得有失。混长舌碎嘴村妇圈就要付出智商的代价。 +3
                • Welcome back to the show. How was your everythinggown?
                  • Very good.
                    • No PP no Truth
    • Donald Trump’s watching a lot of television, and it’s worrying his aides +4
      • 有木有统计辛普森那集看了多少遍?床总统联系过剧组吗? +3