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BOE forecast economy growth 2.0% this year, 0.8% in 2017 and 1.8% in 2018.

The BoE left its forecast for growth this year steady at 2.0 percent, as the economy expanded faster in the first half of 2016 than it had expected in May. But 2017 brings a sharp downgrade to growth of just 0.8 percent from a previous estimate of 2.3 percent

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    • 7 September只是Interest rate announcement没有金融政策报告;19 October既有Interest rate announcement and 还有Monetary Policy Report。即使下次要有所动作,可能性更大的,在Oct 19。
    • 这就是趋势,不要跟趋势作对。
    • 不看不知道 加拿大的经济原来是被它拖垮的 (zt) BC省打压房市,如果真的影响了经济,哭都来不及。有那么多难民要养,那么多公务员要养。。。虽然单纯依靠房地产业是有问题,但加拿大还有其他选择吗?治国无能,还出昏招。
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    • 在全球化浪潮下,加拿大还剩下啥产业?制造业下端都给东南亚小国,中国已经朝高端迈进。以前哈勃政府单纯依靠能源,现在能源业卖不出去。还要维持庞大的医疗教育开销,钱从哪里来?免费医疗教育都取消?
    • 英国是09年后的第一次降息。跟加拿大还是有区别的 +1
    • 如果加国税收打击房产,利息可降。互相抵消,国内刚需进一步增强。
      • 降息0.1%能增加75%的销量?!商业银行的房贷利率也难降下0.1%。 -houseful(探长); +1
        • 所以说BC政策愚蠢。
      • 降息对房地产已经不会有影响了,现在谁都不信利息还会涨了。就像涨派们说的即使加息0.5%也没大影响一样。
    • BOE forecast economy growth 2.0% this year, 0.8% in 2017 and 1.8% in 2018.
      The BoE left its forecast for growth this year steady at 2.0 percent, as the economy expanded faster in the first half of 2016 than it had expected in May. But 2017 brings a sharp downgrade to growth of just 0.8 percent from a previous estimate of 2.3 percent