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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1) 注意保温,把室温调高,平时多抱抱(要小心),睡觉时抱在怀里,至少在床上給个毯子;
2) 这么大的猫还需要喝奶,尽量不要給牛奶,宠物店Pet Smart, Pet Valu都有专门給6周前小猫的特制猫奶粉。八周后可以试试有机Lactose-Free的牛奶: 但要注意有无不良反应;
3)这么大的小猫可以开始喂专门給幼猫的罐头 - 因为小猫新陈代谢和大猫不同,一定注意选給6个月以内小猫的高品质的罐头;
5)要是还没打针,去worm, 今早安排去vet

这里有个研究文章讲何时才能让小猫离开母猫的,a good read...very informative even to a long cat owner like myself:

- When raised in homes, kittens should remain with their littermates and the mother cat until
they are at least 8 weeks old. The mother should be allowed to wean the kittens gradually‟
(Case, 2003, p 124).

- All the evidence suggests that kittens should not be taken away from their mother until they
are naturally weaned, at about eight weeks. Separating a kitten from its mother earlier can
cause stress and behaviour problems‟ (Sundquist and Sundquist, 2002, p 110).

- Kittens should not be separated from their mother before seven or eight weeks of age.
…Totally hand reared kittens…may exhibit other adjustment problems‟ (Wright, 1994, p 29).

- If kittens are pedigree strains, they are usually kept by the breeder until twelve weeks of
age…However, if you have decided on a moggie you may well be able to take it home from
the time it is six or seven weeks old‟ (Bessant, 2004, p 111).

- Pedigree cats tend to go to their new homes at thirteen weeks of age, after a complete
initial vaccination course. Owners of non-pedigree litters won‟t be offering this…so eight
weeks would be the ideal time for the kittens to leave their mother‟ (Halls, 2009, p 29).
„Eight weeks is the optimum age for the non-pedigree kitten to go to its new home. In the
UK…pedigree kittens almost always remain with their breeders until they are at least 12
weeks old‟ (Neville and Bessant, 2005, p 16).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 宠物乖乖 / 求助,新接回家的小猫,1个月零7天,十多个小时不吃不喝也不拉,一直趴在它的小窝里,大部分时间都在睡觉,怎么办啊,担心它被饿坏了!
    • 老猫,有人找。
    • 猫至少要和母猫呆到8周,这期间它会迅速成长,也要学习很多重要的技能。8周前小猫还不能很好的保持体温,需要母猫的体温。但既然拿回来了,就好好照顾吧。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛1) 注意保温,把室温调高,平时多抱抱(要小心),睡觉时抱在怀里,至少在床上給个毯子;
      2) 这么大的猫还需要喝奶,尽量不要給牛奶,宠物店Pet Smart, Pet Valu都有专门給6周前小猫的特制猫奶粉。八周后可以试试有机Lactose-Free的牛奶: 但要注意有无不良反应;
      3)这么大的小猫可以开始喂专门給幼猫的罐头 - 因为小猫新陈代谢和大猫不同,一定注意选給6个月以内小猫的高品质的罐头;
      5)要是还没打针,去worm, 今早安排去vet

      这里有个研究文章讲何时才能让小猫离开母猫的,a good read...very informative even to a long cat owner like myself:

      - When raised in homes, kittens should remain with their littermates and the mother cat until
      they are at least 8 weeks old. The mother should be allowed to wean the kittens gradually‟
      (Case, 2003, p 124).

      - All the evidence suggests that kittens should not be taken away from their mother until they
      are naturally weaned, at about eight weeks. Separating a kitten from its mother earlier can
      cause stress and behaviour problems‟ (Sundquist and Sundquist, 2002, p 110).

      - Kittens should not be separated from their mother before seven or eight weeks of age.
      …Totally hand reared kittens…may exhibit other adjustment problems‟ (Wright, 1994, p 29).

      - If kittens are pedigree strains, they are usually kept by the breeder until twelve weeks of
      age…However, if you have decided on a moggie you may well be able to take it home from
      the time it is six or seven weeks old‟ (Bessant, 2004, p 111).

      - Pedigree cats tend to go to their new homes at thirteen weeks of age, after a complete
      initial vaccination course. Owners of non-pedigree litters won‟t be offering this…so eight
      weeks would be the ideal time for the kittens to leave their mother‟ (Halls, 2009, p 29).
      „Eight weeks is the optimum age for the non-pedigree kitten to go to its new home. In the
      UK…pedigree kittens almost always remain with their breeders until they are at least 12
      weeks old‟ (Neville and Bessant, 2005, p 16).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • 还好,下午猫咪开始活动了,吃、喝、拉全办了,喜欢玩耍了。这么大的猫可以给它喂猫粮了吗?是不是需要泡软?
        • Use canned food or dry kitten food mixed with water; at first,
          add a lot of water, and then reduce the amount of water as the kitten matures. 还有,小猫需要的蛋白质的量要远大于大猫的,一定选专门给小猫的猫粮,而且猫粮质量有不同,这里有个链接..猫不需要也不消化淀粉,只需要肉质蛋白。
    • 还好拉,需要适应新环境,观察一天再说。关键一定要有新鲜水在旁边,沙盆不要放太远。我家以前小猫一般满月就送,健康小猫都没有问题的。
    • 觉得小猫很可怜,这么小离开妈妈,也增加了你们很多的工作去照顾它。
    • 还没断奶吧。。。这简直就是50:50啊。。。
      • crow's mouth
        • 真话总是那么不受欢迎。。。
          • 以前国内养的,送的小猫都一个来月的。有一次母猫中毒,没满月的五只小猫都自己养大的,就是喂牛奶/奶粉,那时哪里有专门的猫奶呀
            • 满月后鱼/肝拌镘头米饭,吃的欢着呢。母猫早断奶身体恢复也快些。
              • 啧啧啧啧~~~给猫迷做月子都那么有经验。。。。
                • 那时候真是很心疼猫妈妈,那么多吃奶的不容易,明显瘦一大圈
            • 心灵手巧啊。。。
              • 今天早晨吃蜂蜜了? :)
                • 肯定是的, 哈哈. 平时嘴巴哪儿有这么甜.
                • 指甲剪这么好,不服不行啊。。。
    • 没事吧。 我家是狗当时接回家差两天八周大。 刚回来那两天也都不吃不爱动。 好像是第三天就开始敞开肚皮吃了。
      • 我家大狗接回来快一岁一天没吃,估计用来怀念老主人,然后就开始秒杀一切食物
        • 请问,快一岁的狗狗领养回来以后能和新主人建立起深厚的感情吗?
          • 我觉得不好一概而论。金毛lab肯定没问题,因为本来就爱人,也属于family dog. 有些品种可能不太接受新主, 朋友家的松狮都不让外人摸的
            • 白眼狼啊。。。养来做甚。。。
      • 还有适应新环境。
    • 小猫需要在窝里呆上12周才去新家。
    • 别问完问题就跑,记得回来更新一下,也对得起大家这么认真给你回帖啊。。。
      • 可能忙着照顾猫。
        • 我是怕噩耗。。。
          • 呸呸呸,乌鸦嘴。
      • 对不起,没顾上更新。小猫吃喝玩耍都正常了,但拉还不正常,几天了都没看见成形的便便,有点稀稀的东西。这两天给它吃的是猫粮加一点点鱼肉,接回来就没喂奶了。
        • 吃太多了?
        • 让猫躺你腿上,抚摸猫肚子,还有就是图示的方法。
          • 在前主人家己经会自己便便了
    • 今早起床,发现猫咪拉了两条非常正常的便便,感觉好开森啊。真是没生二胎,胜似二胎。根伺候婴儿一样,一天尽操心它吃喝拉撒。 +1
      • 恭喜终于拉了。我记得以前YorkBBS有人贴照顾初生小猫的帖子,兴奋得把猫粑粑的照片都post出来了呢,还拿尺子量着。。。。
      • 恭喜恭喜!!!!
        • 上张猫咪的萌照

          • 真好看!
          • 真好看!
          • 太可爱啦!
          • 是小母猫吗? 要不要结娃娃亲?
            • 是个公子哥